Friday, June 07, 2013

Remembering Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes a ton, yes, a ton on Dino-honorin' posts are startin' to pour in from all parts of the ol 'net in remembrance of our most beloved Dino's 96th anniversary of his entrance onto our humble planet.  Likes know that I ain't gonna gets to scribe some patter and gets 'em all posted this very Dino-day, but likes I does wanna start with our great Dino-devoted pallie, Miss AOW's homagin' of our great man on his great day.

Miss AOW begins with sharin' two great pixs of the wee Dino 'long with an awesome trib vid that first appeared here at ilovedinomartin a few months ago....truly truly very very Dino-honorin' and totally totally full of Dino-pleasure.

Then Miss AOW closes her Dino-devotion by sharin' a pix of our Dino's grave site.  As I recall Miss AOW and Mr. AOW have visited our Dino's restin' place at least once if not more.  ilovedinomartin thanks Miss Always On Watch for her faithfulness to our Dino who captured her heart decades ago and whose passion for our Dino continues to grow daily.  Miss AOW is also a great great friend of ilovedinomartin and continues to provide weekly encouragement for this Dino-mission.  Dino-delightedly, DMP   btw, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to see Miss AOW's Dino-efforts in their original format.

Remembering Dean Martin

Born on this day in 1917:


On this day, Dean Martin's birthday, I Love Dino Martin is planning more tributes to the memory of the King of Cool.


  1. Thanks, DMP.

    I hope that lots of homages to our Dino appear today -- on this, his birthday!

  2. Hey pallie, you are most welcome Miss AOW...and I'm findin' quite a number of great Dino-honorin' posts, many of which I hope to share here at ilovedinomartin. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Great great job Ms. AOW!!! So so cool of you to honor our bestest pal on your blog! Happiest Birthday Dean...wherever you are!
