Friday, June 07, 2013

Dean Martin A Reflection: On The Day That Coolness Came To Earth

Hey pallies, likes the day has finally come 'round 'gain....THE DAY THAT COOLNESS CAME TO EARTH......the 96th  anniversary of our most beloved Dino entry on to the planet.  It was on June 7, 1917 at 11:55p.m. in the evening that Dino Paul Crocetti made his first appearance and likes dudes, the world has never ever been the same since.

Likes as I was thinkin' and thinkin' and searchin' and searchin' for just the right post to homage on great man on his great day, I was likes so so Dino-directed to youtube where the same pallies that put up yester-Dino-day's post, onemediamusic, also posted 'nother huge huge amore to our King of Cool.  Tagged "Dean Martin A Reflection," the vid originated as a documentary airin' on British televison on January 16, 2006.   The production was directed  by Mr. Kevin Grace and written by Mr. Ray Santilli.

This fabulous vid runs well over an hour and is chocked full of many of our Dino's best musicale performances captured on film.  In addition, there are tons of clips from an interview that our King of Cool gave in the later part of his life....and likes the patter is totally totally Dino-worthy!!!  Truly, truly ilovedinomartin is thrilled to shared this very very special homagin' of the life, the times, and the teachin's of our most beloved Dino!

Thanks to the pallies at onemediamusic for sharin' this amazin' Dino-documentary for the Dino-pleasure, the Dino-edification of all Dino-holics 'round the world.  So, likes sit back dudes, and soak in the majestic magic of our one and only Dino!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR MOST MOST BELOVED DINO!    Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

An informative documentary of Dean Martin, one of the most talented performers of his time. He grew up in Ohio and became a star performer, became a member of the infamous Rat Pack, was part of the successful comedy duo with Jerry Lewis and was a charismatic performer. This documentary features some of his best live performances. 
Narrated by Duncan Wells, edited by James Wotson and produced by CRACE.

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