Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dean Martin Happy Birthday!

Hey pallies, likes dudes likes what a magnificently marvelous month June has been as ilovedinomartin  has shared with all youse Dino-holics such a delightfully diverse set of Dino-posts homagin' our most beloved Dino on The Day That Coolness Came To Earth.

 Here is yet 'just one more B-day  trib  to our most beloved Dino shared by the pallies at "OLDIES COUNTRY."  Their post homagin' of our Dino,  "Dean Martin Happy Birthday!" includes a couple of classic Dino-poses, a couple of classic Dino-croons..."That's Amore" and "Return To Me," and a bit of patter of Dino-facts and figures as well as other Dino-details.

'gain, likes how cool is it dudes, to find 'nother blogger makin' with the Dino-devotion on the 96th annivesary of our Dino's descent to planet earth.  Likes we just never ever know how such a  Dino-reflection will do to turn on many many more to adulation of our King of Cool.

ilovedinomartin is pleased to say our Dino-thanks to the pallies at "OLDIES COUNTRY" for honorin' our most honorable Dino on his day of days.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dean Martin Happy Birthday! Dean Martin Music Store

birthday cake with elvis and shirley

Dean with the only lady Ratpacker, Shirley McLaine and the King
of Rock and Roll back from an Army stint . The Party's going on over @


pool table freinds

 Don Rickles roast Frank sinatra on Dean's show

Dean Martin

Singer / Actor
Born: 7 June 1917
Died: 25 December 1995
Birthplace: Steubenville, Ohio
Best known as: Crooner, actor, and comedy partner to Jerry Lewis
Name at birth: Dino Crocetti Between 1949 and 1956, Dean Martin made 16 films as the singing straight man to his comedy partner Jerry Lewis; the two were one of the hottest entertainment acts of the era. After their bitter (and much-publicized) breakup, Martin continued making movies, including both comedy and dramatic roles and the spoofy Matt Helm spy movies of the 1960s. A nightclub singer and solid member of Frank Sinatra's "rat pack," Martin also had hit records, most notably "That's Amore" and "Everybody Loves Somebody." Martin's easygoing attitude helped make him a hit on television, where he hosted a comedy and variety show from 1965-74.
Extra credit: Martin's son Dean Paul (also known as Dino) was an actor, singer and sometime tennis pro; he died in a California Air National Guard plane crash in 1987. Editor's note: Many close friends say that the loss of his son was effectively the end of Martin's life,  even though he would live several more years, dining alone many nights  at the same la Famiglia restaurant in Beverly Hills.
Read more: Dean Martin Biography (Singer/Actor) |


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