Sunday, June 30, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'd Cry Like A Baby"

Hey pallies... Summer is in FULL swing & heat waves are meltin' the country! This "4th", as we celebrate our independence, let's try to keep Cool Cool vibes flowin' & DEF I NATE LY keep in mind how TRULY lucky we is to live in this GREAT GREAT nation!
This week's Serenade, "I'd Cry like A Baby", has me thinkin' 'bout our BESTEST pal with his SWEETEST Summertime fling! I can tell he's REALLY diggin' on this lucky young chicalina & is REALLY hopin' she sticks 'round ALL year long!!!
I would DEF I NATE LY be cryin' like a baby if our Dino said "goodbye" & DEF I NATE LY feelin' like a snowball on this up & comin' Fourth of July!!! Dont stress out pallies...Our Dean ain't goin' nowhere!!! Celebrate the day pals...Salute a la America!



I'd cry like a baby if you told me goodbye
I'd feel like a snowball on the 4th of July
If you ever said you were leaving for good
I'd weep like a weeping willow, honest I would
I'd cry like a baby with a busted balloon
I'd let out a wail that would be heard to the moon
Our love was so splendid don't end it so soon
Don't leave me here sighing, sobbing and a-sighing
Crying like a baby for you

I'd cry like a baby if you told me goodbye
I'd feel like a snowball on the 4th of July
If you ever said you were leaving for good
I'd weep like a weeping willow, honest I would
I'd cry like a baby with a busted balloon
I'd let out a wail that would be heard to the moon
Our love was so splendid don't end it so soon
Don't leave me here sighing, sobbing and a-sighing
Crying like a baby for you

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