Friday, June 28, 2013

Dean Martin was truly the wit of the Rat Pack..

Hey pallies, likes posts in honor of our Dino's day of days, June 7, 1917, The Day That Coolness Came To Earth, keeps pourin' in from all over the world wide web.  Today ilovedinomartin stops at the blog, "VEGAS TRIPPING - An Award-Winning Guide to Las Vegas," where a dude who tags himself  "Chuckmonster" has shared his BD wishes to our most beloved Dino.

Likes how fittin' is it dudes that someone who loves 'Vegas baby 'Vegas...and it is clear that "Chuckmonster" digs it to the mostest.....woulda homage our great great man who made 'Vegas his playground!  This guy obviously is a true Dino-devotee as he speaketh the truest of true Dino-thoughts when he sez, "Dean Martin was truly the wit of the Rat Pack."

 And likes ilovedinomartin is likes simply simply thrilled to read Chuck's wise words of Dino-edification...." if you haven't listened to (and memorized) Rat Pack: Live at the Sands and Dean Martin Live At The Sands you've got some studying to do.... this is essential listening/reading/laughing."  Likes dudes how very very cool to hear 'nother lover of our Dino encourage his readership to studyin' and memorizin' our Dino's coolest of cool teachin's!

ilovedinomartin salutes "Chuckmonster" for homagin' our Dino on his special day and for so deeply and devotedly encouragin' his readership to followin' the Dino-path of cool.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.  Dino-growin', DMP

Happy Birthday Dean Martin
By Chuckmonster on Friday, 7th June 2013 9:35am

Today would've been Dean Martin's 96th birthday. Dean Martin was truly the wit of the Rat Pack... if you haven't listened to (and memorized) Rat Pack: Live at the Sands and Dean Martin Live At The Sands you've got some studying to do.... this is essential listening/reading/laughing.

Here's a very tame sample of Dean's schtick taped in 1965 at the St. Louis Opera House.

Happy Birthday Dean!


  1. After Dean died, Shirley MacLaine said that he was the funniest man she ever met.

  2. Hey pallie, and likes, of course, Miss Carol Miss Shirley was right on the Dino-mark! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
