Friday, December 21, 2012

Stuff that makes us smile: Dean Martin and Rudy the red-beaked reindeer

Hey pallies, likes I knows that I am crammin' quite a number of Dino-grams onto this one Dino-day, but likes ain't gonna be on the 'puter from December 23 through December 25, so I am tryin' to get all this great Dino-devotion out before then. And, likes this next Dino-report is likes just too too cool not to send your Dino-way. From the blog pad of "Oregon Live, scriber Mr. Ryan White tell his readership 'bout his darlin' little "kiddo" who is just 2 1/2 and.... "This is her first Christmas where Christmas is a thing -- a bright, blinking, colorful, festive thing."

And as you read below, Ry has already turned his wee one on to the Dino-seasonal sound...and likes how wondrous is that?!?!?! As White reflects....

"...She's developed a special fondness for "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Better still, she's attached to the Drunk* Dean Martin version recorded for his 1959 record, "A Winter Romance." The one where he sings "Rudy the red-beaked reindeer," and the then slips into something like German. "Won't you guide mein sleigh tonight."

Nothin' quite warms the heart of ilovedinomartin likes hearin' 'bout parents turnin' there tykes onto our most beloved Dino at such a tender age. How fabulous to know that this little "kiddo" will grow up always always knowin' the one we fondly call Dino.

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Ryan White for introductin' his little girl to our King of Cool and boldly sharin' this Dino-hearted story with his readership. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-delightedly, DMP

Stuff that makes us smile: Dean Martin and Rudy the red-beaked reindeer

By Ryan White, The Oregonian on December 19, 2012 at 3:39 PM

My wife came home a few weeks ago with one of those Golden Books about Mickey Mouse. In it, Mickey gets called out on a stormy Christmas Eve to help deliver the mail in a small plane. Being a stormy Christmas Eve, the plane gets blown off course and Mickey eventually lands at the North Pole where there's no fuel, but there is Santa's old sleigh, some retired reindeer, and a couple of elves willing to lend a hand.

The kiddo is 2 1/2, and loves the book, and in a wonderfully hilarious example of just how impressionable children are, whenever Christmas is mentioned, she says, "I don't want to go out in a storm on Christmas Eve."

No matter how many times I tell her we'll be inside with a fire, cookies, and milk.

This is her first Christmas where Christmas is a thing -- a bright, blinking, colorful, festive thing. A thing with a soundtrack, which makes it even better, and she's developed a special fondness for "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

Better still, she's attached to the Drunk* Dean Martin version recorded for his 1959 record, "A Winter Romance." The one where he sings "Rudy the red-beaked reindeer," and the then slips into something like German. "Won't you guide mein sleigh tonight."

Look at it. She's hugging him. He's ogling a different her. They're all going to end up in that chalet in front of a fire with a bottle of Scotch, three straws, and a bearskin rug. Later, one of them will try to leave and ... "Baby It's Cold Outside."

This just got creepy, didn't it?

*I assume all Dean Martin songs are Drunk Dean Martin songs. And I refuse to believe otherwise. It's better this way.


  1. Great find!

    As young as she is, that little girls knows the sound of a sexy voice when she hears it

    No doubt about it: our Dino had the sexiest singing voice EVER!

  2. Hey pallie, likes 'gain, as always, you likes such the deep, pure, and true Dino-truth..indeed as you sez Miss AOW..."No doubt about it: our Dino had the sexiest singing voice EVER!" Just wonderin' Ma'am did you receive the Dino-globe Dino-seasonal card that I sent your way. Best of best Dino-seasonal greetin's to you and Mr. AOW. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. DMP,
    I didn't receive the Dino greetings. I wonder why?

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, it may have went into your spam box...I know that happens often to me...well know my bestest of best Dino-seasonal greetin's to you and yours.... Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. DMP,
    I found it in the spam folder!

    Thanks so much for sending me that wonderful Christmas greeting. I appreciate it so much.

  6. DMP,
    PS: Check your email and spam folder. ;^)

  7. Hey pallie, likes cool that you found it Miss AOW...and thanks ever so much for your heartfelt Dino-greetin' to me as well. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
