Friday, December 21, 2012

Dino and Jerry Claus

Hey pallies, likes as I was google imagin' 'way, I came 'cross this Dino-winter-pix that I likes don't ever remember seein' before, and likes just couldn't couldn't resist sharin' it with all you dudes as we march forward to Dino-winter-day. It's our most beloved Dino and Mr. Lewis all dressed up and sportin' santa hats and claus beards.

Our Dino looks likes totally totally hip and with it, as he always always does, but Mr. Lewis appears a tad tired. Any of you pallies likes have any info on the context of this candid Dino-pose? Wishin' all you dudes a wonderful Dino-winter-time full of deep, pure, and true devotion only to our Dino! Dino-delightedly, DMP

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