Saturday, December 22, 2012

I have been a fan of Dean Martin’s my whole life.

Hey pallies, likes today is my last postin' until the day after Dino-winter-day. Tomorrow be sures to likes drop by for a very very special Dino-winter-day version of "Sunday Serenade with Dino," by our very own Dino-holic Danny G. So as we think 'bout that very very bittersweet day, December 25, Dino-winter-day as we tags it 'round this Dino-part, I sure do want to share some special Dino-tribs with you.

Yester-Dino-day through the google blog search, likes came 'cross this fabulous homagin' of our Dino by a dude taged Bill at a great musical blog, "Westwood Valley." As I partook of Bill's Dino-reflections I drank deeply of his deep, pure, and true Dino-devotiion. This Dino-holic begins by 'fessin' up that "I have been a fan of Dean Martin’s my whole life." Seems that like many Bill was raised in a Dino-honorin' home....."The Scratchy 45′s, The Christmas Albums, mom and I used to watch his variety show, and his movies like the Matt Helm series were favorites."

Very very cool that Bill's whole life has been immersed in the life, times, and teachin' of our Dino. I particularly take greet great Dino-delight to know that this guy was hooked on the Matt Helm capers as a youth just as I was. I love, as you will read how Bill elevates our Dino to the top in the Dino vs Frank debate...and likes, of course, I am likes in total total Dino-agreement with him.

And, you simply have to read below 'bout the supreme Dino-dream that Bill had 'round 2004 that involves our great man singin' himself some AC/DC,,,,what a total total gass dudes! Likes I coulda goes on and on 'bout Bill's passion for our King of Cool..but you Dino-philes need to endulge in Bill's Dino-euphora!

ilovedinomartin sez thanks to Mr. Bill for sharin' such a great Dino-tribute with his readership...a trib worthy of sharin' with all you pallies in honor of our Dino-passin' on Dino-winter-day. Bill's Dino-salute shows the depth of devotion that pallies of all ages and stages have for our most beloved Dino and why daily more and more dudes are comin' to know, love, and honor our Dino. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our Dino pallies. On this 17th anniversary of our Dino's departure, we contiues to honor his life and legacy of absolute, total cool! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

My Musical Evolution – Part 372 21st Century Dean Martin

Posted by Bill Dec 19, 2012

I have been a fan of Dean Martin’s my whole life. Dino was present in The Scratchy 45′s, The Christmas Albums, mom and I used to watch his variety show, and his movies like the Matt Helm series were favorites.

Some people think that Frank Sinatra is voice of the era but I disagree. If you listen to Frank sing and compare it to Dean Martin, you’ll find that Dena is so smooth in his delivery and presence. Franks range is small often forced where Dino’s is effortless and confident. He exudes charisma.

I picked up a few Dean Martin compilation CD’s and found that in addition to a few childhood favorites like Everybody Loves Somebody, there were many more excellent songs. It is difficult to not get caught up in that romantic nostalgia of the late 1930′s and 1940′s.

One night somewhere around 2004 I had this dream of Dean Martin singing in one of those glamorous venues of days gone by. He was singing My Lady Loves To Dance but instead of the actual lyrics, we was singing AC/DC’s You Shook Me All Night Long. It was pretty funny to wake up to.

A guy I know named who was also a Dino fan had several of the DVD’s of Dean’s Variety Show. He let me borrow them and I invited my mother over to watch them with me. It was an enjoyable time for both us. We spent a good part of the show pointing out who was dead and missing that kind of entertainment. Someday I’ll pick up that series. You can find numerous Greatest Hits and Best Of collections just about anywhere. Spend a few bucks and enjoy the King Of Cool.

My Lady Loves To Dance – OK, listen to this melody then imagine Dean singing the words to You Shook Me instead.

Sway – One of my all time favorite Dino tracks

Innamorata – Was the precursor to this that Lady and the Tramp song from My Musical Evolution Part 4?

That Certain Party

Standing On The Corner

You Belong To Me

I really could go on here for way too long so I’m going to stop and encourage you to take a serious listen to Dean Martin.

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