Saturday, December 22, 2012

I remember when I first really started to love Dino....

Hey pallies, likes as I was reflectin' on what ruminations that I wanted to leave with you that woulda be the most Dino-honorin' as we pay tribute to our most beloved Dino's departure from our planet, I came back time and time 'gain to the words of a quite recent post here at ilovedinomartin...words from a quite new Dino-devotee, words that are brief in number and simple in thought...but words that speak volumes of a young man's adulation of our King of Cool.

What ilovedinomartin has selected to share with all youse Dino-philes are the thoughts of Mr. Richard L. Sykes, thoughts first shared at ilovedinomartin on October 9 of this very Dino-year. I remember that I was usin' google blog search and insead of puttin' Dean Martin into the search engine I typed Dino Martin in, and I struck paydirt. One of the first posts listed sent me to Mr. Sykes self-tagged blog where he had boldly posted his great devotion to our great man.

Richard is a Deanager in the true sense of the word.....a teenager in his first year of college who less then a year ago got turned on to our Dino via a Rat Pack vid posted on his blog. Well as you will read below it didn't take any more then that for Sykes to be likes totally totally smitten by our Dino.

Likes as I said above Richards words are brief in number and simple in thought...but words brimmin' with the deepest, purest, and truest devotion to our Dino. Words that are worthy of a fit and proper tribute to our most beloved Dino as we honor his departure from our presence on December 25, 1995.

When Dino died, Mr. Sykes was truly a babe in arms...couldn't been more then a year or two old....yet such is the tramsformin' power of our Dino that once Richard got turned on to Dino, his Dino-adulation is supreme.

Here are a few of Mr. Sukes' Dino-homagin' words...

"I cannot even begin to describe how much i love this artist. He’s the best, the classiest, most talented man to have enver lived."

"The way he sang, the swave of his voice, the smooth classy feel to him brought chills to my spine."

"I remember at that moment, I wanted to be him, and ever since that, I have promised myself that I would transform myself to a man of his caliber."

Gotta tells you pallies that Richard's reflections brings "chills to my spine" when I think of the impact that our Dino is havin' on the life of 'nother new generation of Dino-devotees.

When I wrote Mr. Sykes 'bout my appreciato for his Dino-passion and that his homagin' of our Dino was bein' shared at ilovedinomartin, I was thrilled to hear his very humble response....

Dino Martin Peters,

I truly appreciate your comments and your love for Dino. I am humbled by your page on my post and I am truly thank ful for your praise.

With much appreciation,


Likes as I said pallies, I just knew that Sykes' post was the best to post in 2012 as ilovedinomartin honors our Dino on Dino-winter-day 2012. Deep Dino-appreciato to Mr. Richard L. Sykes for his candid contribution to heart-felt homagin' of our most beloved Dino. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-devotedly, DMP

btw pallies, I've likes been waitin' forever to post this stunnin' pix of our Dino...likes don't have a clue where it was taken or when, but I loves seein' our Dino in that cool cool so much remeindin' me of how scriber Nick Toshes tagged our Dino, "The American Buddha."

Dean “Dino” Martin

I cannot even begin to describe how much i love this artist. He’s the best, the classiest, most talented man to have enver lived. Okay that might be opionated slightly but I think many would agree that Martin is a class act. I remember when I first really started to love Dino, it wasn’t even a year ago when I clicked on a video posted on my blog. The video was of the Rat Pack (Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin) playing at a gig with Ed Sulliven. The way he sang, the swave of his voice, the smooth classy feel to him brought chills to my spine. I remember at that moment, I wanted to be him, and ever since that, I have promised myself that I would transform myself to a man of his caliber. There are just aren’t enough words to describe it.


  1. Hi DMP! Here's wishing you and yours a very Merry and Peaceful Christmas! And remember one thing this Holiday Season..."You Can't Buy Happiness...But You Can Pour It"!! All the best pallie!

  2. Hey Pallie! I got that Dino Holiday Globe you sent! It was in my Yahoo Mail but in the SPAM file. I just moved over into INCOMING and there it was! Thanks so much! Again, Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  3. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much for you Dino-seasonal greetin's and glad you gots the Dino-mail I sent your way. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
