Sunday, December 23, 2012

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: Dino-Winter Day Special "Silent Night/Peace on Earth"

Hey pallies! I can't believe nother' Dino-winter day is upon us! What a great great time of year it is too! I'm so so thrilled to be able to play one of the ab so lute bestest of the best Christmassy tunes by the ab so lute bestest of the best Christmas crooners!

The song I chose for this VERY special Serenade definately HAD to be "Silent Night/Peace on Earth". I really didn't even have a choice pals! Dino MADE me play it! could I NOT pick this bea u ti ful tune? With the 17th anniversary of Dean's big exit just a couple days away...I NEEDED to play a song FILLED with true, pure Dino-passion! Don't know bout' youse pallies...but this tune REALLY moves me!

So so bea u ti ful & so so soothin' to my soul. Takes me to a calm, cool place where we're ALL forever young & Dean is forever croonin' with a drink in hand. Ahhhhh. Nice nice stuff o pals o mine! Well, I wont keep youse any longer. Knows youse got thins' to do. Let's ALL remember the TRUE meanin' of the day pallies & keep that vibe goin' ALL year long! And in the middle of all the chaos...take a minute to remember Dino on the 25th...the worlds not as bright without him. Merry Christmas pallies. 

Silent as the snowflake in the night
Holy is the spirit of this night
All the world is calm and peaceful
All the world is bright and joyful

Spirit of love and child of peace
Love unending that shall not cease
Peace, my children of goodwill
Peace, my children, peace, be still

Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

(Silent night)
(Holy night)
(All is calm)
(All is bright)
Round yon virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace


  1. Wasn't this particular Dino-version of "Silent Night" released posthumously? I don't recall hearing it until the Rat Pack Christmas Album.

    In any case, this is my favorite arrangement ever for "Silent Night"!

    Merry Christmas, Danny!

    The world is a darker and dimmer place without our Dino -- but at least we have recordings, movie footage, and video footage of the One and Only King of Cool. And all this preservation of his great work is our Dino's Christmas present to US.

  2. Hi Danny G. Here's wishing you and yours a very Merry and Peaceful Christmas. Thanks for the tune pal.

  3. Hope you both had an exceptional Christmas! Happy Holidays to all!
