Sunday, December 02, 2012

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Canadian Sunset"

Hey pals...Happy December! These wintery months REALLY get me in that "Dino" kinda mood! That cool cool air is blowin'! That snowy snow is flowin'! Nothin' goes better with this marshmellow season than some swoonin' & croonin' from our cool cool pal...well, maybe add a glass of brandy to that mix!

"Canadian Sunset" is the PERFECT winter tune to get that PERFECT winter vibe vibratin'! Just LOVE how Dean can sing bout' this time of year & make us feel all warm & cozy...& not make it limited to ONLY a Christmas jam. I wanna keep playin' these tunes ALL winter long! What's a Dino-holic supposed to do AFTER Christmas comes & goes??!! I feel a little "off" rockin' round' the Christmas tree in the middle of February!!!

Well, lucky for us, o pals o' mine, Dean kept us in mind while layin' down these wintery little tracks! So go grab that brandy & settle in for a long, snowy, cool cool season! Enjoy pallies! 

"Canadian Sunset"
Once I was alone
So lonely and then
You came out of nowhere
Like the sun up from the hill

Cold cold as the wind
Warm warm were your lips
Out there on the ski trail
Where your kiss filled me with thrill

Weekend in Canada a change of scenery
Was the most I bargained for
And then I discovered you and in your eyes
I've found a love that I couldn't ignore

Down down came the sun
Fast fast beat my heart
I knew as the sun set from that day
We'd never part

Down down down down came the sun
Fast fast fast fast beat my heart
I knew as the sun set from that day
We'd never part
Down down down down came-a the sun
Fast fast fast fast beat-a my heart
I knew as the sun set from that day
We'd never part
We'd never part
We'd never part


  1. Makes me wish that I had learned to ski and gone to Canada for a skiing vacation!

  2. I hear ya' Ms.AOW! Hangin' with our pal in the ski lodge woulda been some fun fun times!
