Saturday, December 01, 2012

Dean Martin welcomes his friends to his Christmas show from 1968, with lots of singing and dancing.

Hey pallies, likes welcome to the start of Dino-winter-month here at the ol' ilovedinomartin Dino-blog. Dino-winter-month is likes always always such a bittersweet time for all us Dino-devoted pallies. On the one hand very very sweet, 'cause likes no one, and likes we mean no one, sings seasonal selections likes our Dino....and on the other oh, so bitter likes 'cause December 25 is the day when we mourn our great man's departure from our planet.

Today we begin Dino-winter-month likes on a high note as we give a nod to that recent release of the "The Dean Martin Show: Christmas 1968" from the pallies at TIME-LIFE. Although huge numbers of us Dino-philes where hopin' for the release of the fabulous 1967 Dino Christmas Special that featured family Martin and family Sinatra, and although the release of the 1968 Christmas show is not uncut....a pallie noted that our Dino's couch song, "I'll Be Home For Christmas" has been omitted, it is none-the-less a stellar Dino-winter-show givin' dudes likes us huge doses of Dino-delight.

Below is a post from the blog, "name that christmas" where a dude tagged Jeff has shared the details of this very recent release...and 20---count 'em-20 stunnin' pixs taken from the show. Below you will find over half of the vid caps posted for our Dino-viewin' pleasure...all the ones that likes puts the accent on our Dino.

Hats off to Mr. Jeff and the folks at "name that christmas" for helpin' spread the news of this vital new Dino-release. To view this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-awed, DMP

The Dean Martin Show: Christmas 1968

Posted By Jeff on November 16, 2012

Dean Martin welcomes his friends to his Christmas show from 1968, with lots of singing and dancing.

Series: The Dean Martin Show

Date: 1968

Season: 4

Episode: 14

Director: Greg Garrison

Writer: Harry Crane

Starring: Dean Martin, Bob Newhart, Dom DeLuise, Bob Hope

Runtime: 48:31

ASIN: B003OOH444


  1. Great vid! Just got my Dino-lovin' hands on a copy & watched it the other night! What a great time!

  2. I bought this DVD, and it arrived a few weeks ago. I'm saving it for watching on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

    I really do miss our Dino's Christmas shows. They were gems!

  3. Hey pallie, likes cool Danny-o to know that you gots your hands on this very very special Dino-special...did Nicky and Stel gets to view it with you? Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes you, Miss AOW, I am savin' up my first Dino-viewin' of this special 'til Dino-winter-day...a very fittin' way to honor our Dino on his leave takin' from our planet. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. That Dino Claus sure has a healthy team of reindeer to pull his sleigh...I'll tell ya that much! :)

  6. Hey pallie, likes indeed he does Matty-o. So lookin' foward to watchin' this 'round Dino-winter-day and rememberin' the life, times, and teachin's of our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
