Monday, December 03, 2012

Vintage Dean Martin Deluxe 8 Track Tape Sealed and Unopened

Hey pallies, likes one of my most fav thin's to do durin' Dino-winter-month is to search the ol' web for unique and unusual Dino-treasure for pallies to purchase for themselves or to gift other Dino-philes with. There is likes an unendin' motherload of Dino-treasure to be unearthed, and many many at very reasonable prices.

Today's Dino-find comes from the Etsy site where a lady tagged Miss Beverly R. Jones is sellin' a real Dino-gem. It's a vintage "Dean Martin Deluxe" 8 Track Tape released by Pickwick that is still sealed and unopenned....for the unbelievely low price of 7 bucks.

Likes I totally totally grooves on the marvelous Dino-impression that graces the cover of this musical treasure, and certainly this glorious Dino-art is worth the price of admission. Likes to tell the truth pallies, I might just try and gets me an 8 Track Player so that I coulda enjoy the lush sounds of our Dino in true '60's-70's swingin' style!

Dudes, likes this is a one of a kind Dino-treasure, so we know it won't last long. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-devotedly, DMP

Vintage Dean Martin Deluxe 8 Track Tape Sealed and Unopened

Vintage 8-track tape cartridge still sealed in cellophane, never been opened.

Pickwick/8. P8-1138.

Dean Martin Deluxe 8-track tape includes the following songs:

I Can't Believe That You're in Love with Me

On the Street Where You Live

Just In Time


Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone

True Love

Heaven Can Wait

I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face

Until the Real Thing Comes Along

This 8-track tape, along with others listed here, was found in boxes stored in my late father's store. He owned a Western Auto/General store in the small town of Olanta, SC. My father stored many items on shelves in his vast storage room as the years progressed (he kept moving new merchandise in and there was only so much shelf space!). These 8 track tapes were subsequently found by me after his retirement. Since he passed away, I've held onto a lot of these items, but it's time now to let them go (I only have so much shelf space myself.)

All of the 8 track tapes that you find here are original and still sealed in cellophane.

Ships USPS.

Thank you for browsing!


  1. I had to laugh when I saw your post this morning. I thought, "Gee, someone should tell Benny about this," then I remembered he's fictional. 680Benny Needles would have snatched this up as soon as it went on the market!

  2. I bought this album with birthday money when it was released in 1974. I was 12 years old. Played on my portable record player forever. Still have it in my collection of record albums I bought whilst growing up. For that matter I still have the portable record player...though it hasn't worked since long ago. As they say "What's old is new again"!!!

    P.S. So was that Mellisa Gilbert who jumps down off of Bob Newhart's lap on the Dean Martin Christmas Show....again sure does look like her!!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss Gayle Carline, indeed our Benny woulda snatched this up.....and likes I gotta 'fess up that I really didn't want to post this 'cause I really wants to gets this for myself...but ain't got no 8 track player. But, likes this is truly truly a classic Dino-treasure. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley thanks ever so much for sharin' that great Dino-tale with us. Likes I do remember seein' this al-b-um for sale, but likes never got it when it was originally released. So, I'm wonderin' at what tender age did you get addicted to our most beloved Dino?

    And, likes Miss AOW, I am waitin' 'til Dino-winter-day to watch my copy of the Dino-special... Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. I would of been about 8 or 9 years old. One Friday night I slept over at my best friends house. Since it was Friday and no school we got to stay up. In those days after 11:30pm most tv stations ran old movies. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Artists And Models. We laughed at Jerry Lewis(what little kid hasn't laughed at Jerry Lewis). But when Dean sang The Lucky Song I was spellbound. And this was on a black and white tv!! I sang that song(well at least the first line) for days. Remember watching it in color for the first time. When VCR's came out I taped it. When it came out on video I bought it. Now have it on DVD and watch it at least once a year. If it ever comes out on Blu ray I'll buy it. I even have the recorded version of the song now...slightly different from movie and I think just a bit better. Somebody put the recorded version on youtube. So I leave it with you and your other readers to take a look. An early Christmas Present.

  6. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley what a grand entrance into the world of Dino. "Artists and Models," to me, is likes the most absolutely perfect Dino and Jer film ever. I don't remember seein' it as a kid, and so when I finally bought the Paramount sets of Martin and Lewis a few years ago, I was in heaven when I saw it for the first time. I love the color, the storyline, and the music...especially the "Lucky Song"...what I woulda give to have been one of those kids who were featured with our Dino in croonin' this tune...words simply can't express the thrill of watchin' Dino sing "The Lucky Song." So, likes thanks for the link. As, I guess you might know, on occassion ilovedinomartin does interviews with devotees of our great man to hear the full tale of their Dino-delight. Just wonderin' if you might be up to such a Q&A interview? If so, please email me at Probably wouldn't get to it 'til after Dino-winter-month devotion is finished.
    Keeps lovin' our Dino!
