Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dude, is the most sympathetic and dynamic character in the town, made so by Martin's sincere performance

Hey pallies, likes of late one of the most popular ways that bloggers are liftin' up the name of our most beloved Dino is in the form of reviews of Dino-flicks, and certainly watchin' our Dino in his big screen efforts is truly one of the best ways of fallin' for our great man.

Today we turn our attention to the blog "Extra Butter - Film Reviews in a Nutshell," where a blogger who tag is "Shahamallama" holds forth. Shahamallama is an English: Film Studies/Communications major at Appalachian State University, which would lead us to suspect that they are likely youthful in age, and obviously passionate 'bout the silver screen.

The flick that Shahamallama has taken on is that Dino-classic of classics, "Rio Bravo"...certainly a great place to start in explorin' our Dino's screen presence.
While this review is short in length as Shahamallama is true-to-their words "in a Nutshell," it is wonderfully sweet in it's Dino-admiration. Truly, deeply, and purely does this flick reviewer "get Martin" as the Dude. Listen to these brillant words of Dino-knowin'...

"Dean Martin has enough charm to upstage the great John Wayne, which is good news if the Duke rubs you the wrong way. Martin's character, Dude, is the most sympathetic and dynamic character in the town, made so by Martin's sincere performance (and crooning vocals at some points.)"

Likes need I say more pallies, likes I don't think so. ilovedinomartin expresses our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to Shahamallama for their glowin' review of our Dino in "Rio Bravo." Certainly hopes this pallie will find it within 'em to review more of our great man's 51 great flicks. To view this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Rio Bravo

Master director Howard Hawks worked in many genres and left a big impression in each of them, including the Western. Rio Bravo is a charming one--a long one, but a sincere, funny, and exciting one, too.

John Wayne--who else?--stars as Sheriff John T. Chance, who arrests the brother of a wealthy crime lord and must detain him until the U.S. marshal arrives. To hold off the swarms of hired men trying to spring his prisoner, Chance has only two deputies: a cantankerous old cripple (Walter Brennan) and ex-lawman, sober for the first time in two years (Dean Martin).

Rio Bravo is funny for a Western. A man still has to do what a man has to do, but there are no speeches about it, for one thing. For another, Wayne and his love interest (Angie Dickinson) have some awkwardly funny--if stereotypical--romantic scenes. The best humor, however, comes from Brennan's hobbled, old coot.

Dean Martin has enough charm to upstage the great John Wayne, which is good news if the Duke rubs you the wrong way. Martin's character, Dude, is the most sympathetic and dynamic character in the town, made so by Martin's sincere performance (and crooning vocals at some points.)

If you have the time for a slow-moving but endearing Western, Rio Bravo is for you, but I suppose the opposite would be Cowboys & Aliens. Your call.

Final Verdict: Very Good (4 stars)


  1. "Dean Martin has enough charm to upstage the great John Wayne..."

    Truer words never spoken.

    The Duke, of course, didn't really mind. He was a great man too!

  2. Hey pallie, likes how did I know that you woulda feels that Dino-way Miss AOW...thanks for patterin' and keeps lovin' our Dino!
