Friday, September 14, 2012

Dino-billboard Circa '52

Hey pallies, likes for a change of pace, ilovedinomartin offers whata might be considered a random post from "Hollywood Elsewhere" where blogger "Jeffrey Wells writes a daily stream-of-Hollywood-consciousness column. I was intrigued by the tag of Wells' scribin' when I came 'cross it through the efforts of google 'lerts..."Living High In Dirty Business of Dreams...and likes thought it musta be all 'bout Nick Tosches' brilliant Dino-bio.

Well, likes you will see below, there is a brief mention of that enthrallin' Dino-tome, but likes the major focus of this Dino-devotion is a great pix of an advert for the opennin' of "Sailor Beware" in the winter of 1952. It's a huge huge billboard in the heart of NYC drawin' pallies attention to the newest Martin and Lewis caper.

Likes I calls this post sorta random 'cause of the "random" Dino-insights shared by Wells 'bout James Dean and Corinne Calvet...but likes I always always loves each and every Dino-detail presented. ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Jeffery Wells for puttin' the accent on our Dino in this way and for remindin' his readership of the life and times of our most beloved Dino. To read this in it's original format, just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-'chanted, DMP

Living High In Dirty Business of Dreams

As Sailor Beware opened on February 9, 1952, this photo was almost certainly taken that month. You'd never know it from the billboard, but this Hal Wallis-produced film was shot in black-and-white. James Dean has a walk on-role with a single line of dialogue -- "That guy's a professional!" If memory serves, Nick Tosches' "Dino" biography reports that Martin and costar Corinne Calvet didn't have it off before, during or after principal photography.

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