Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Loaded Dino

Hey pallies, likes I just gotta 'fess up that when I read the tag of today's Dino-post, "Loaded Dino," likes I simply gots the hugest of huge Dino-buddha-grins on my face 'cause loaded is such a cool descriptive of our most beloved Dino... our Dino is LOADED with talent...our Dino is LOADED with amore,....and, likes of course, our Dino loves to gets LOADED!

Anywho, likes I knew we were goin' to be in for a real treat when I came 'cross this "gem" of a blog, "MiShel Designs" where pearl expert Michelle (Shel) holds forth and lovin'ly proclaims her deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino in her post "Loaded Dino." As you will discover when you reads her Dino-reflections, the "loaded" actually refers to how Shel has loaded our great man onto her ipod.

Shel proclaims the pure and simply Dino-truth when she sez, "To me, Dean Martin has the best voice ever!" She then goes on to relate a wonderful Dino-tale from her youth and share with her readership three fav vids of our Dino. And, it turns out this Dino-phile is preparin' a trip to the land of Dino...Italy...and likes am sure she will be takin' her Dino-croons with her. Likes how totally awesome would it be to be listenin' to our great man while visitin' the land of Dino-heritage!

Kudos to Miss Shel for sharin' her passion for our most beloved Dino with her readership and helpin' 'em grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our Dino. To view this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Keeps lovin' our most lovable Dino! Dino-only, DMP

Loaded Dino

I mean, loading Dino.

On my iPod.

Well, actually he's already loaded,...

On The iPod!

Geeze,....what are you guys thinking?!!

Here's a clip.

To me, Dean Martin has the best voice ever!

One year, when the "Masked Rider" was about 11 or so, we actually learned all the words to "On an Evening in Roma" (Sott'er Celo De Roma) while we were driving home from the cabin. We were singing (in Italian) at the top of our lungs just as the photo radar snapped a lovely pic of us coming down the hill into Payson. Never did see that pic in the mail. Guess the folks at DMV had too much fun laughing at us that they had to keep it for themselves! Good thing it didn't come with sound. We would have been really fined for that one!!

Getting ready for my trip to Italy this week.

What are you doing?

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Entusiasti di andare in Italia!



And this is just for fun!

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