Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Aunt Judy and Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes at first blush today's Dino-post might not seem to have much to do with our pilgrimage to Dino-winter-day....but, truth be told, today's Dino-gram speaks volumes 'bout why pallies likes us are so so devoted to our most beloved Dino, and thus why we put such a special accent on each and every day of Dino-winter-month.

From the awesome blog, "Holly Baumann Photography," where professional pix chick Miss Holly Baumann Ambuehl of Olkahoma City holds forth, comes this stunnin'ly stellar pix of our Dino makin' the scene with Miss Holly's Aunt Judy. It is 'specially groovy knowin' that Baumann, a professional photographer herself, is so so smitten with this Dino-image, reflectin' "it just took my breath away."

Holly pontificates.....
"I love everything about it"
"I love that my Aunt knew people like Dean Martin"
"I love their clothes"
"I love that she looks exactly like my cousin Ashley does today"
"I love that Dean is holding a cigarette"
"I love the silvery highlights in the original print"
"I love that every member of family has their own story, and that the generation
before mine lived in a time where people wore dinner jackets and went to fancy
"I love my Aunt, and wish I could have hung out with her and Dean back then!"

Likes that's a lotta love bein' expressed over one great pix of our great man. And, likes pallies, it' precisely that kinda love for our Dino that is the foundational reason why pallies likes us speadin' our time durin' Dino-winter-month preparin' ourselves for honorin' our Dino on Dino-winter-day.

On this seventh day of Dino-winter-month, as we draw our first week of Dino-winter-homagin' to a close, ilovedinomartin expresses our deep Dino-appreciato to Miss Holly Baumann for sharin' this classic picture of our Dino and her Aunt Judy with her readership....and for her boldly proclaimin' just how much this Dino-pix means to her. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-focused, DMP

Aunt Judy and Dean Martin

Posted on December 5, 2011 by Holly Baumann Photography

My dad recently showed me this photo for the first time of his sister, my Aunt, and it just took my breath away. I scanned a copy and cleaned it up a bit, and a print now hangs in our stairwell with other family photos.

Photographer Unknown

I love everything about it: I love that my Aunt knew people like Dean Martin; I love their clothes; I love that she looks exactly like my cousin Ashley does today; I love that Dean is holding a cigarette; I love the silvery highlights in the original print. I love that every member of family has their own story, and that the generation before mine lived in a time where people wore dinner jackets and went to fancy parties. I love my Aunt, and wish I could have hung out with her and Dean back then!



  1. Very cool indeed! Here's to you Aunt Judy! Salute!

    Danny G.

  2. wish I could have hung out with her and Dean back then!

    Amen to that!

    One of the greatest sorrows of my life is that I never saw our Dino in person. I was supposed to when the reunion tour came to Washington, D.C., and bought the tickets. But our Dino had quit the tour before it arrived here: he was too sorrowful over the loss of Dino, Jr.

    One of my friends, quite a bit older than I, did play blackjack with our Dino in Vegas, "back in the day." My friend has told me what a great guy our Dino was -- and what a focused poker player he was in a high-stakes game.

    My father-in-law, as respiratory therapist, also met our Dino in our Dino's last days at Cedars Sinai Hospital. He said that our Dino was a quiet man -- and still smoking right up to the end. I think that by the time my father-in-law met our Dino, our Dino had given up on living. Understandable under the circumstances, I think.

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny G. thanks guy for chimin' be so so fortunate to spend time in the presence of our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much Miss AOW for such heart-felt Dino-reflections...likes I stand in awe of the Dino-connections that you do have....keeps lovin' our Dino!
