Thursday, December 08, 2011

Dino makes orange at Christmas cool.

Hey pallies, likes her tag is Dana Grace and she is a design maven who holds forth at the provocatively tagged blog "The Dream Bed." Miss Dana describes herself sayin', "At the very core of who I am is a crazy little Missouri girl who just wants her dream home. Throughout the years I have expressed a love for design and decor in very different ways---these are the most prominent and significant in describing who I am."

Dana's passion for design has evocatively extended itself to none other then our Dino, where in her post, "Play the Record," she puts the accent on our Dino's "non-traditional color" choice for the original edition of "My Kind Of Christmas." Designer Dana espounds on our most beloved Dino's seasonal style sayin' "Dino makes orange at Christmas cool."

As I pondered Miss Dana's Dino-reflections, I thought to myself, likes how cool that that our great man is not only "nontraditional" in his rad renderin's of wintertunes, he likewise is "nontraditional" in his seasonal apparel as well! Truly, truly one of the thin's I digs the mostest 'bout our Dino is that he is the coolest in everythin' 'bout him....his style of singin'...his style of threads...everthin'!

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks on this eighth day of pilgrimagin' to Dino-winter-day to Miss Dana Grace for her coolly cool "non-traditional" post on our "non-traditional" Dino and helpin' her readership to grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our most beloved Dino. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-devotedly, DMP

Play the Record

Dino makes orange at Christmas cool.

Non-traditional color combinations for holidays can go either terribly wrong or terribly well. Sometimes I shake my head at the confused palettes I see in stores, but I think Dean Martin is on to something.

This isn't the first time I've seen Dean in orange for a holiday album. Last year while singing along to my favorite holiday Pandora station, Mr. Martin popped up looking seriously suave in orange and white next to a cozy fireplace. And I thought, "How coooool."

This picture really is the perfect inspiration for a non-traditional but totally lovely holiday, with the green-like teal and orange subbing in for red. I thought I was going to be all about pink and lime this season, but I'm starting to reconsider.


  1. I do love this picture of Mr. Martin. It makes him look like a young boy, hopeful and sincere. And he totally rocks that orange vest.

    By the way, Merry Christmas, Mr. Peters. Hope all your wishes come true.

  2. Hey pallies, likes how lovely to hear from our Miss Gayle Carline...and I loves your Dino-perspective..."I do love this picture of Mr. Martin. It makes him look like a young boy, hopeful and sincere." Thanks for the good wishes...and warm Dino-winter-day wishes to you as well. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
