Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Dino And The Christmas Mood

Hey pallies, likes on this sixth day of marchin' toward Dino-winter-day all us Dino-philes are likes in for a totally totally rad Dino-treat. Today's Dino-devotion comes from Miss Always On Watch (AOW), one of our Dino's most devoted pallies, not to mention an extremely faithful follower of the action here at ilovedinomartin.

In her own special personal way, Miss AOW shares a heart-felt Dino-testimonal of her first-of-the-season Dino-encounter while shoppin' at Walgreen's. Likes I can truly relate to Miss AOW's thrill of hearin' our Dino "over the store's loudspeakers" 'cause likes I knows likes each and every winter season I wait with bated breath to catch the first notes of a Dino-tune bein' played in the public square. For me, this year, it came a few ago while at Sears I delighted in hearin' strains of our Dino singin' "Baby It's Cold Outside!"

We at ilovedinomartin are deeply delighted to have our Miss AOW share her personal Dino-testimony with all us pallies. It is certainly a treat to have someone with AOW's deep, pure, and true devotion to our most beloved Dino speak so candidly with us of what our Dino means to her 'specially in this time of makin' our pilgrimage to Dino-winter-day. Thanks pallie Miss AOW for spreadin' your Dino-love hear at ilovedinomartin on this sixth day of Dino-winter-month! Dino-heartedly, DMP

btw pallies, likes if you clicks on Miss AOW's tag, you will be transported to her outstandin' blog.

Dino And The Christmas Mood

by Always On Watch

On November 28 this year, I was at Walgreen's Pharmacy to drop off a few prescriptions. Just as I left the counter, over the store's loudspeakers came the tones of the intro music to the following version of our Dino's rendition of "White Christmas." Before our Dino's voice came over the loudspeakers, I knew that what I was about to hear was the best version ever of "White Christmas":

I could hear other shoppers humming along and enjoying the velvet baritone that was our Dino's gift and his alone.

Better yet, during those few moments at Walgreen's, I felt as if our Dino were personally wishing me a Merry Christmas.

Hearing our Dino's dulcet tones so early in the 2011 Christmas season has really put me in the mood for the holidays!

Last night, as I enjoyed my bedtime eggnog with brandy, I toasted our Dino, who left us on Christmas Day in 1995. He may have left us, but he did leave behind a wonderful legacy that we can still enjoy, especially at this most joyful time of the year.


  1. That's some great stuff Ms.AOW! I couldn't agrees more bout' Dino really kickin' off the season! Thanks for sharin'!!!

    Danny G.

  2. Dino really does make the Christmas season bright!
