Thursday, August 25, 2011

the project that cinephiles have been drooling over for more than a decade: Dino, Martin Scorsese’s film biography of Dean Marti

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-topic is one that is likes totally near and dear to my Dino-heart.....Martin Scorsese’s film biography of our most beloved Dino, adapted from Nick Toches’ stellar Dino-bio, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams."

From the pages of "Flavorwire" and the pen of Mr. Jason Bailey comes the outstandin' feature article, "10 Way Overdue Biopics We’d Like to See." And, likes which yet-to-be-filmed bio is at the top of Mr. Bailey's stunnin' list.....likes of course, none other then Scorsese's renderin' of Tosches' Dino-bio!

Likes pallies simply loves how Jason phrases it..."First and foremost is the project that cinephiles have been drooling over for more than a decade: Dino, Martin Scorsese’s film biography of Dean Martin, adapted from Nick Toches’ book by screenwriter Nicolas Pileggi, Scorsese’s collaborator on Goodfellas and Casino."

Likes, indeed pallies, yours truly has certainly been "drooling over" with huge anticipation the possiblity of seein' Tosches' stellar Dino-bio hittin' the big screen. Wanna sez a huge thank you to Mr. Jason Bailey for puttin' the accent on our Dino in this way and keepin' the fire of Dino-possibility lit in hopes of "DINO" hittin' the big screen one day. To view this in it's original format and see Mr. Bailey's complete list of hoped for films, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-desirin', DMP

Memphis Three

10 Way Overdue Biopics We’d Like to See

2:30 pm Tuesday Aug 23, 2011 by Jason Bailey

Yesterday, HBO Films announced plans for the upcoming movie The Day the Laughter Stopped, based on the true story of Fatty Arbuckle, the wildly popular silent movie comic (second only to Chaplin) whose career was brought to a screeching halt when he was falsely accused of raping and murdering a starlet named Virginia Rappe at a Labor Day party in 1921. Though he was ultimately acquitted of the crime, Arbuckle’s reputation was ruined forever, and in the wake of the scandal, Hollywood studios cracked down on both on-screen sex and the off-screen lives of their stars.

Good movie material, yeah? We’ve thought so for years, and look forward to seeing what John Adams writer Kirk Ellis, You Don’t Know Jack director Barry Levinson, and Modern Family star Eric Stonestreet (we’d always seen Oliver Platt in the role, but that’s neither here nor there) come up with. Meanwhile, the recent, surprise release of the West Memphis Three has provided filmmaker Atom Egoyan with an unexpectedly upbeat ending to his already-in-the-works WM3 film. Both of these tidbits got us thinking about some of the real lives we’d like to see get the biopic treatment. Check out our picks after the jump, and add your own in the comments.

Dean Martin

Our first three are perhaps cheats, since they’re projects that actually are in some form of development — but they’ve been talking about them forever, and we’re ready to just see the damn things already. First and foremost is the project that cinephiles have been drooling over for more than a decade: Dino, Martin Scorsese’s film biography of Dean Martin, adapted from Nick Toches’ book by screenwriter Nicolas Pileggi, Scorsese’s collaborator on Goodfellas and Casino. Scorsese bought the rights to the book clear back in 1992 and Pileggi had a script ready a few years later; word circulated that Scorsese was courting an all-star cast that included Tom Hanks (Martin), John Travolta (Frank Sinatra), Jim Carrey (Jerry Lewis), Hugh Grant (Peter Lawford), and Adam Sandler (Joey Bishop). But either due to the cost or availability of that dream cast, the project never came to be; talk of the project died out altogether in 2009, when word circulated that Scorsese was making a Sinatra biopic instead. That one is still languishing as well. Either one will be fine, Marty. Whenever you get the chance.


  1. I have some issues with Nick Toches' book. For one thing, he includes a lot of our Dino's "thoughts," pure fiction as far as I can tell. Also, a lot of the book isn't flattering at all to our Dino.

    I don't mind a warts-and-all movie, but I do wish that such a film would be completely fact-based.

    BTW, on the heels of an earthquake here (Big shaker in Northern Virginia, where it live!), we're battening down the hatches for Hurricane Irene. Power outages may force me off line for a while. **sigh**

  2. Hey pallie, likes while we are not exactly on the same page when it comes to Tosches' are certainly in very good company 'cause I know may of the truly Dino-devotive very much share your perspective on Tosches' tome. All our best to you as you weather the weather! And likes, no matter what comes our way, just keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. I should dig out the book from my collection of books about our Dino and review it.

  4. Hey pallie, likes a very cool Dino-idear Miss AOW...I always tries to have my Tosches near by for every ready me it's simply THE DINO-BIO! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
