Friday, August 26, 2011

And Dean Martin was my favorite.

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-feature contains both happy and sad news. The sad news is that it has been announced that Glen Campbell has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Recently Miss Edna Gundersen interviewed Glen for USA Today and her article talks about this very sad news for one of our greatest singer/songwriters.

In the midst of this sad news, one of the happiest parts of the interview with Glen is that he spoke of our most beloved Dino in the most lovin' terms sayin' "And Dean Martin was my favorite." How wonderful that the very talented Glen Campbell liked best to work for and with our Dino!

Below is just the briefest of brief posts from the Campbell interview that speaks of our Dino in such fond terms. To view the whole interview, as usual, just click on the tag of this Dino-message. ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Miss Gunderson and the pallies at USA Today for doin' the interview.

Also included here is an outstandin' clip of our most beloved Dino and Glen doin' a medley of tunes on the Dino-show. Enjoys watchin' and listenin' to these giants of music croonin' together on "Blue Blue Day," "Singin' The Blues," and "You Are My Sunshine." Likes it is so so refreshin' to find these guys havin' such such fun together. Dino-ever, DMP

"I did Viva Las Vegas with Elvis. We were both from the sticks. What a talent. Frank Sinatra was wonderful. He always said, 'Hey, good job, guys.' And Dean Martin was my favorite. I was floating on cloud nine. To play with that caliber of musicians, it really opened my eyes and made my playing better."


  1. Love the vid & truly is very sad bout' our pal Glen C.

    Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny G., I am in total total Dino-agreement with you on both of these thoughts....keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Glen Campbell has Alzheimer's? That so sad. I know all too much about the disease because my mother-in-law has had it for several years and is now in the final stage.

    Our Dino's version of Gentle on My Mind surpasses Campbell's, IMO.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, I agree with you on the thought that our Dino's version of "Gentle On My Mind" is likes the bestest of the best! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
