Wednesday, August 24, 2011

.....because he had everything it takes to be a legend.

Hey pallies, likes gotta 'fess up to you dudes that likes I am absolutely awesomely smitten by and likes completely completely Dino-psyched to be bringin' today's Dino-feature to all your sold-out to Dino pallies. Likes our Dino so so wisely spoke of "puttin' the accent on youth" 'cause our wonderfully worldly wise Dino knew that it was the youth of the day who are always always where it is at!

Likes I am so so psyched to share 'nother of today's youthful modsters who has become likes totally totally devoted to our most beloved Dino...and today's post was created by a young Deanager...Miss Daniela, all of thirteen count-em thirteen years and likes also international in origin 'cause likes she is makin' Argentina her home pad. In fact here are a few word written by this youthful Dino-lover 'bout her life, times and passions...

"I’m Daniela, a thirteen year old girl from Argentina who adores music, films, writing and daydreaming. I’m against violence, although I curse all the time. I like to think I’m friendly and I have big dreams and expectations for the future. Most of the things I post are about actresses, actors, films, music and pop culture, basically, anything from the 1920′s to the 1980′s."

Comin' from her blog home "Silver Velvet Sky" (clicks on tag to goes there), Miss Daniela has assembled a huge parcel of Dino-pixs....59 in all!...many of 'em familiar to Dino-philes such as you and I...but likes a goodly number of Dino-shots that I have never ever seen before...likes took me over an hour just to transfer all those Dino-pixs to ilovedinomartin!

And, not only has Deanager Daniela assembled such a wonderful mix of Dino-portraits, but she has also shared a very delightful selection of teachin's from our wise man...again many that are familiar to us the Dino-faithful, but 'specially one that I remember readin' long ago in a fan mag, but one that I have not been able to locate on the web.

The one I am referrin' to come near the end of this Dino-profile and refers to our Dino's beliefs in God. It is well known that our most beloved Dino did not have much time for "the church," but it is very touchin' to read our Dino's thoughts on the creator and on personal prayers. Findin' these personal words of Dino-reflection are worth the price of admission to this extraordinary blog post!

ilovedinomartin sez our hugest of huge Dino-thanks to Argentina's Miss of the truest of the true Deanager I have ever comes 'cross. Thanks ever so much Daniela for speakin' so boldly and earnestly 'bout your deep, pure, and true devotion to our most beloved Dino...and for the tons of effort that you have put into this profile of our great man...this is truly one of the top ten Dino-postin's that ilovedinomartin has ever done!

Hopes to certainly be seein' more Dino-efforts from our Deanager Daniela...and certain that her Dino-sharin' will bring many many of today's youthful hipsters into the Dino-fold! Dino-awed, DMP

Profile of the Week

20 Aug

Dean Martin (June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995), born Dino Paul Crocetti, was an American singer, film actor, television star and comedian. Martin’s hit singles included “Memories Are Made of This”, “That’s Amore”, “Everybody Loves Somebody”, “Mambo Italiano”, “Sway”, “Volare” and smash hit “Ain’t That a Kick in the Head?”. Nicknamed the “King of Cool”, he was one of the members of the “Rat Pack” and a major star in four areas of show business: concert stage/night clubs, recordings, motion pictures, and television.

Today I re-watched Dean Martin’s biography, so I thought it would be nice to dedicate this Profile of the Week post to this incredible man. As it says in the paragraph I took from Wikipedia, Dean was the “King of Cool”, he was even beyond that. He was one of the most honest performers in history -if not the most honest-, he was natural, laid back, funny, always having a truly good time and we -the audience- saw that, that’s why we loved him and still do.

You know those kind of artists who make you smile by simply appearing on a screen or by talking or laughing? Well, that’s exactly the way I feel about Dino, he makes me happy, and I do think that’s a terribly important thing in a performer. Although I get this sensation with many other actors/singers too, there’s something special about him.

I’ll be completely honest, I don’t think he had a really really great quality as an actor, but I tell you, I have a ball watching his films, I enjoy them very much. If there actually was something unique about Dean Martin, it definitely was his enchanting voice. I would listen to him all day, even if he were singing the most mediocre song in the world, just like I would with Frank Sinatra, whom I worship basically the same way as Dean.

I don’t have the slightes idea of how I discovered Dean, I can’t remember at all, but if I’m correct, I became one of his fans last year. Though he is well-known, respected and adored, I still think he’s underrated. He could be as big as any of the biggest Hollywood stars, because he had everything it takes to be a legend.

Jerry Lewis, Frank Sinatra and Dino.

“If people want to think I get drunk and stay out all night, let ‘em. That’s how I got here, you know.”

“I can’t stand an actor or actress who tells me acting is hard work. It’s easy work. Anyone who says it isn’t never had to stand on his feet all day dealing blackjack.”

Dean & Jerry

“I’ve got seven kids. The three words you hear most around my house are ‘hello,’ ‘goodbye,’ and ‘I’m pregnant.”

“[On Frank Sinatra] I’m truly fortunate to be counted as one of Frank’s friends, I’m pretty lucky every night I get on my knees and pray, I pray that I can get off my knees. Yeah Frank’s been a real pill, pal … he helped me when I started singing in cafes and helped me with my recording and motion picture career. Frank thanks for your support, I swear I’ll wear it till the day I die. This man’s success has served as an inspiration to every American boy. Frank Sinatra was born in Hoboken, New Jersey as an unwanted child and now he’s wanted in five States. Especially in the State of New York, as you know New York City has been having financial trouble, nobody knew Frank had lent money to New York until they found the Statue of Liberty with her arms broken.”

With wife Jeanne and son.

“[On second wife Jeanne] I have seven children that I am so proud of. I’m a grandfather at fifty. And I found Jeannie, such a wife. She took my four children from my previous marriage, and she won ‘em over, and she was so young. They call her Mom, you know. And we had three others, but she loved ‘em like my four. Isn’t that fabulous? After my divorce, the court eventually gave me the children, and I think it was the first time in California that a man got the children…But what luck that my Jeannie was there and was such a fine lady. My Jeannie and her blue eyes. I call ‘em Nazi eyes. Thanks to them, I don’t even care about givin’ my ex-wife $2,400 a month for 18 years.”

To those who felt he joked his way through songs during concert and nightclub appearences: “You wanna hear it straight, buy the album.”

Upon filing for divorce from his second wife: “I know it`s the gentlemanly thing to let the wife file. But, then, everybody knows I`m no gentleman.”

With co-star Marilyn Monroe.

“I’d hate to be a teetotaler. Imagine getting up in the morning and knowing that’s as good as you’re going to feel all day.”

Dean and Nancy Sinatra.

Holding Audrey Hepburn.

“Oh! So very much! Oh! Every night—I still have never missed a night without prayin’. And I have my Saint Christopher, and when I get on the airline, I cross myself and pray to Him. I don’t get on my knees, I pray in bed. Oh yes, I believe in God. I don’t understand too many things. For example, when a baby comes from a lady, who’s gonna make this thing with the ears and the nose and the mouth and the eyes? Who? God does. And when people die, what do they say? “God help me,” they say. Cause who they gonna turn to? Henry Ford? Naw, they’re gonna turn to God. He’s the one who put ‘em here and takes ‘em away…I remember when President Kennedy died, rest in peace, was shot. I ran to my car and I went down to church and I lit a candle at the altar and I prayed. And I said to God, “Please don’t let him die.”…When your mother dies, and your father dies, or a friend dies, what do you do if not prayin’?” -Dean Martin, when asked whether he believed in God, 1967


  1. That's incredible, amazing. Wonderful. Only thirteen years old!... Youth is on the right way: Lovin' our Dino!

    See you! ;-)

  2. Hey pallie, likes Kinezoe dude, likes my exact Dino-thoughts..."That's incredible, amazing. Wonderful. Only thirteen years old!... Youth is on the right way: Lovin' our Dino!
    With pallies like Miss Daniela turnin' on to our Dino...DINO will be always be LOVED! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Man oh man!!! Miss Daniela you are definately on the right track to a wonderful life! Knowin' & lovin' Dino the way you do is the best way to achieve wordly bliss! Proud of you baby!

    Danny G.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o thanks for chimin' in with your Dino-appreciato for Miss Daniela's Dino-efforts...and likes, of course, likes keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Hi Daniella,
    I love all the posts here on Dinos Blog but none more than this one.
    You are amazing !
    I know I can speak for all of us when I say you have great taste in music and at such a young age.
    You remind me so much of myself back when I was your age.
    Only back then, the other kids at school thought I was a bit of a square for loving Deans music, movies and as I have always thought being the greatest entertainer in the world.
    I didn`t care what the other kids thought.
    Now I`m finding more and more young teenagers like yourself are discovering how great Dean Martin was and still is.
    His music sounds as fresh today as it did 40 years ago.
    I do think Dean was a great actor but he never believed in himself and a lot of his roles he never took seriously.
    Unfortunately because Dean never took himself seriously, a lot of people may not want to compare him to the likes of James Stewart, Gary Cooper, Tyrone Power, Cary Grant ect.
    But put Dean in a serious movie and he proved he was a great actor.
    If you ever get to see the Rawhide episode of Canliss you`ll see what I mean.
    And not forgetting films like Rio Bravo and Airport.
    I enjoyed reading about you so much :)
    Keep enjoying Dean :)
    By the way I swooned when I saw that great picture from Bandolero, lol
    Hugs n Kisses
    from Kylie xxxoooxxx

  6. Hey pallie, likes how kind of you Miss Ky to encourage Deanager Daniella in such an outstandin' way...ain't it the greatest that so many of today's youth are turnin' on to our Dino...keeps lovin' our Dino!

  7. Whoa! Love these photos. I had never before seen a few of them.

  8. Hey pallie, likes exactly Miss AOW, I am very much impressed with this whole Dino-trib...and the quality and quanity of Dino-pixs is likes totally totally mind-blowin'...keeps lovin' our Dino!
