Tuesday, August 23, 2011

But don't worry, i leave you in good company: our beloved Dino.

Hey pallies, likes here is an ultra-ubber cool Dino-post from our Dino-holic pallie Kinezoe from Spain....likes loves so so much how Dino-devotion is likes totally totally international in Dino-scope!

Likes gotta 'fess up pallies that I ain't been followin' Kinezoe's cool blog likes I coulda and thus have missed some of his amazin' Dino-action. Today's Dino-gram from his blog pad, "No todo es kippel," is so so dense and rich in Dino-devotion that I simply loves it pallies, loves it!

Likes the first Dino-pix is way cool and don't think that I have ever see this one before. Likes totally rad that Kinezoe shares with his readers the lush sounds of our great man singin' "Brahm's Lullaby" as only our Dino can...and those great pieces of Dino-wisdom are so so Dino-encouragin'...and likes that last hip pix of our Dino with the clingin' chicks is likes so so Dino-ish.

In short pallies, our dude Kinezoe has done good in sharin' his Dino-devotion so so
passionately with his blog readers. ilovedinomartin sez our Dino-appreciato for our Dino-bro Kinezoe's bold and brazen Dino-adulation! To checks this out in it's original format and to listen to the marvelous Dino-tune, "Brahm's Lullaby," just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-psyched, DMP


¡Hasta pronto!

It took me a (small) respite, friends. I thought desirable [know before they go through the days and the blog follow without updating content. But don't worry, i leave you in good company: our beloved Dino. And furthermore, that this is not a farewell, but see you soon. Thirst happy ; -)

Me tomo un (pequeño) respiro, amigos. Creí conveniente hacéroslo saber antes de que vayan pasando los días y el blog siga sin actualizar contenidos. Pero no os preocupéis, os dejo en buena compañía: nuestro querido Dino. Y además, que esto no es un adiós, sino un hasta pronto. Sed felices ;-)

As a gift, a couple of phrases (happened who): "I have seven children. The three words that listen in my house are: 'hello', 'goodbye' and 'i'm pregnant' ". "I feel sorry for people who do not drink. They get up in the morning and not going to feel better all day" ... or perhaps whether, in view of this last photo (this added is mine, haha ... ).

De regalo, un par de frases (adivinad de quién):

«Tengo siete hijos. Las tres palabras que más se escuchan en mi casa son: 'hola', 'adiós' y 'estoy embarazada'».

«Lo siento por la gente que no bebe. Se levantan por la mañana y no van a sentirse mejor en todo el día» ...O tal vez sí, a la vista de esta última foto (este añadido es mío, jeje...).


  1. Hey pallie, thank you very much for this post! Really cool. As you always say: keep lovin' our Dino! ;-)

    See you!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Kinezoe dude, you are so so welcome man...likes my total Dino-pleasure to likes show a bit of true Dino-palliedom...loves your Dino-devotion Kinezoe..and of course, as we say, keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Totally cool pals o mine! Why not...Keeps lovin' our Dino!!! Haha!!
    Danny G.

  4. Hey pallie, you gots it Danny-o...and youse too keeps lovin' our Dino and bring up your prodigy only in the Dino-way!
