Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dino-interview: "It's only takes four hours out of Saturday...they aren't gonna tie me up."

Hey pallies, likes I just so loves the google 'lert pallies who likes let's us know 'bout so so many Dino-goodies on the web. Today's Dino-'lerted-post is an amazin' short filmed interview from '65 by a dude tagged John of our beloved Dino as he is finishin up workin' on the sex farce, "Marriage On The Rocks."

As you listen, you hear our great man speakin' of workin' with Miss Deborah Karr and the frankie on this flick, of how he plays golf everyday he can, and how he is 'bout to start his own tv show.

Loves it so much when our beloved Dino is quired by the interviewer in how much time the Dino-show is gonna takes outta the week, our Dino sez, "It's only takes four hours out of Saturday...they aren't gonna tie me up."

I loves this very very candid glance of our so natural, nothin' staged...and as usual our great man is so so laid back and of course, likes totally totally COOL! Enjoys pallies, and likes keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-delightedly, DMP


  1. Great seein' our man speakin' candidly. Very very cool pallie!

    Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, thanks is really truly very cool to hear our great man speakin' off the cuff and with such cool! Thanks man for droppin' some Dino-patter....

  3. I remember seeing this interview a long time ago.
    Dean was great in interviews :)
    Hearing him mention Bells are Ringing is a coincidence as I was watching it last night.
    Dean should have done more musicals

  4. Hey pallie, our Dino is so great at everythin'...and I loves "Bells," was sorta surprised to hear our Dino say that he really wasn't into musicals...did that also surprise you Ky?
