Wednesday, November 10, 2010

.......who calls Boehner the "Dean Martin of politics."

Hey pallies, likes y'all know that ilovedinomartin tries to stay as apoliticalo as our Dino, but the facts is with the Republican party takin' over the House of Reps in January, the "Dean Martin of politics," John Boehner is most likely to be elected to be Speaker of the House, and that's great news for all us Dino-holics, 'cause wherever the name of John Boehner is dropped a Dino-reference ain't gonna be far behind.

Today's Dino-post comes from the web presence of US News tagged Politics and Mr. Paul
Bedhard. As you will note Tea Partier Dick Armey likes others has tagged Boehner, the "Dean Martin of politics." Bedhard lists five changes to expect from Boehner's reign includin' numero 3, "Smokers will be welcome again. He will not give up his cigarettes."

We thanks US News Politico and Mr. Behard for liftin' up the name of our Dino in this great way...a precursor of many Dino-mentions on the horizon with Boehner's ascent to the throne. And, the more Dino-mentions we gets pallies, the more and more new pallies will becomin' Dino-addicts likes us as well... To view this in it's original format, just click on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Dino-devotedly, DMP

5 Big Changes John Boehner Brings to Speakership
By Paul Bedard

Posted: November 9, 2010

Like a character out of Mad Men, likely incoming House Speaker John Boehner is about to bring old-school cool and political wrangling back into fashion. "He's so cool, every man should hate him," says Tea Party organizer Dick Armey, who calls Boehner the "Dean Martin of politics."

When, as expected, House Republicans elect him to be speaker of the next Congress, Boehner will usher in stylistic and procedural changes. We quizzed his posse about what the biggest switches from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be and this is their top five list:

1. He promises to be less authoritarian. He will relegate more power.

2. Boehner will allow the other side to meddle more than before. He likes legislators.

3. Smokers will be welcome again. He will not give up his cigarettes.

4. More tears. Boehner is a big, and easy, crier.

5. Golf tees will replace Nancy Pelosi's chocolates in the office bowl. He gets his tan from golfing.

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