Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Dino and Jerry Reed sing "Little Ole Wine Drinker Me"

Hey pallies, likes Dino-holics likes us can likes never ever gets 'nough of our great man....I just start watchin' Dino-vids at youtube and can't quits pallies!!!! Recently cames up with this Dino-clip from the early '80's from what I 'pect is a Dino-special that features our great man and Mr. Jerry Reed.

These dudes begin banterin' 'bout how our Dino wants to gets him an elephant to crush grapes for him...and moves into singin' a duet of "Little Ole Wine Drinker Me."
Note that both our Dino and Jerry have their omnipresent cigarettes and liquid libations of likes some vino as they have 'em some fun croonin' this drinkin' tune. Likes I am so so grateful for all the pallies who are keepin' the Dino-light glowin' bright by postin' so so many great Dino-clips at the tube....and keep my Dino-cravin's fed! Dino-lovin', DMP


  1. Wow! I had never seen this one before.

    Some nice harmonizing there, too.

  2. Hey pallie, so Dino-delighted Miss AOW to be able to offer you a new Dino-treat....keeps lovin' our Dino...
