Monday, October 04, 2010

what do our Dino, Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Jacques Cousteau, and George Burns all have in common?

Hey pallies, likes here's a Dino-question for ya.......Likes what do our Dino, Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Jacques Cousteau, and George Burns all have in common? Answer: They are all folks that Miss Olivia Newton-John woulda likes to invite to a dinner party.

Today's Dino-gram originates at the pad, "Author30's Olivia Newton-John Blog and Web Site," where the blogger shares an interview that Miss Olivia did for the October 2010 issue of the "Luxury Las Vegas Magazine." Mag writer Miss Marsala Rypka quires Miss Newton-John on many issues includin' who she woulda wants to invite to her pad for a dinin' gig. You guessed it pallies, Miss Olivia woulda gather our Dino with Sagan, Einstein, Cousteau, and Burns all 'round the same table. That certainly woulda produce some lively patter for Dino-sure....

To view the whole interview at the "Author30's Olivia Newton-John Blog and Web Site," and from there goes to the original "Luxury Las Vegas Magazine" pad, likes per usual, just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-post.

As an added little Dino-bonus, you will note that I have included a clip of our Dino and Miss Olivia singin' together on the Dino-show. This lovin' couple duets the combo of "Just A Little Lovin" and "True Love"....and you will likes note how tender lovin' our Dino is with Miss Newton-John. Keepin' the Dino-groove with you, DMP

Interview with Olivia in Luxury Las Vegas Magazine/Site

With Olivia Newton-John

By by Marsala Rypka
October 2010

MR: What five people would you invite to a dinner party?

ON-J: That’s hard to answer. My parents divorced so I’d love to see them when they were in their twenties and still happy and in love.

I’d invite astronomer Carl Sagan who always used the phrase “billions and billions.” I used to watch him on TV and I was fascinated by his knowledge of the stars. I always wanted to ask him if he believed in other life forms.

I’d love to invite my grandfather and his friend Albert Einstein. When my mother was young, Einstein came to their home and played the violin. Later in life my mother translated letters between her father and Einstein. It would be fascinating to talk with them.

I’d invite Jacques Cousteau who I met in the 1980s. He was intense and fascinating and I was blown away when he came to my house. John Denver had been with him on his expedition vessel, the Calypso, and had written a song by that name and I wanted to become involved in some project with him. We talked about it, but it didn’t work out.

I’d invite someone funny like George Burns, who I adored. I was on holiday at the Kahala Hilton once and Helen Reddy, who is also from Australia, and her then-husband Jeff Wald were there, and they knew George Burns. So Helen and I put on grass skirts and sang a welcome song to him as he arrived at the hotel. He had a little cigar and he was exactly as you would imagine. We had dinner with him and he had so many stories.

I’d invite the Rat Pack. One of my first television experiences in America was in 1972 when I sang with Dean Martin on the “Dean Martin Comedy Hour.” When I got to the studio they told me that Dean only knew about six songs and I had to pick one. Years later I was invited to tour with Sinatra. One of my only career regrets is that I didn’t do it. My daughter, Chloe, was a baby and I wanted to stay home with her. I know that’s more than five people, but there are so many I’d love to have to dinner.


  1. DMP,
    Off topic....One of my political blogger friends posted about Dino yesterday. Thought you'd want to take a look at that post.

  2. Hey pallie, great to hear from you Miss AOW...and how is Mr. AOW doin'? You gotta knows ma'am, likes if it's 'bout our Dino, likes it is never ever off topic...and of course I loves each and every Dino-mention I can likes thanks so much for pointin' me in the right Dino-direction.....all my best, and likes hopes you find some ways to include our Dino in your lesson plans....

  3. I loved that clip with Dean and Olivia :)
    I think Dean knew a lot more than 6songs though, lol

  4. Hey pallie, Ky, I was goin' to make mention of the "6 song" thin' and then ran outta time to include that in the post...I knows that our Dino knows thousands of songs....maybe Miss Olivia was makin' a funny...thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter...

  5. DMP,
    I'm overwhelmed these days.

    Otherwise, I'd be contributing to your wonderful web site.

  6. "True Love" was Dino's daughter's favorite. The daughter I'm referring to is Gina.

    Just one of those facts I know about our Dino!

  7. Hey pallie, I hear you my friend Miss AOW...and I understand....actually the ol' Dino-blog is 'bout the only thin' that keeps me sane...Dino always helps me to keeps movin' forward...
