Sunday, October 03, 2010

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Birds And The Bees"

Hey pallies, likes it's the first day of 'nother Dino-week 'gain and likes time to partake of our next Sunday Serenade with Dino. Today's Dino-classic is that great great Dino-instructional song, "The Birds And The Bees.'

So so many pallies have just seen our Dino as merely a fabulous entertainer, and indeed there is no greater entertainer then our beloved Dino. But, our Dino is so so much more then just a great crooner of tunes and cracker of jokes....our Dino is our ever wise and wonderful imparter of worldly truth. Today, we turn to our Dino to instruct us in the facts of life...and who better then our Dino to tells us 'bout the thin' called our Dino sings.....

"Let me tell you bout the birds the bees and the flowers and the trees
And the moon up above and a thing called love
Let me tell you bout the stars in the sky a girl and a guy
And the way they could kiss on a night like this."

....likes you just knows that our Dino knows what he is talkin' 'bout, and he likes is so so eager to pass his Dino-expertise of amore likes on to all us his devoted pallies.

And our Dino continues....

"When I look into your big brown eyes it's so very plain to see
That it's time you learned about the facts of life startin' from A to Z
Let me tell you bout the birds and the bees the flowers and the trees
The moon up above and a thing called love."

....likes you just knows you are in for the most swingin' lecture of your life from our most experienced and extraordinare swinger professour du amore.

In this swingin' clip from the Dino-show sits back and watch professour Dino as he uses his whole those arm gestures and the amazin' looks on his face..... to instruct us all in the wondrous ways of the birds and bees... So pallies, likes enjoys our wise and wonderful Dino sharin' what he knows best....his worldly knowledge of the facts of the amorin' life.... Dino-learnin', DMP


  1. Hi Dino Dude,
    This song is so cool, allways dug it since the first time i heard it, i was outside Kys house, this eas b4 me and her were friends.
    She called a little pest but i had a something big crush on Ky and b4 we became friends, i dug a lot of the songs comin from her pad all by this cool singer i didnt know.
    Anyways i got to did the singer as much as i did Ky and this song reminds me of them far away days of the past
    So long dude

  2. Hey pallie, Deanager Levi, likes how cool to have you be the first (and perhaps the only) pallie to leaves me some Dino-patter...loves your sharin' of such sweet Dino-memories and as you say so coolly, "and this song reminds me of them far away days of the past"

    How cool that our Dino brought you and Ky together as pallies...and oh, how you have grown in your pure Dino-devotion....btw Levi, man woulda you consider doin' 'nother Dino-serenade for your pallies here at ilovedinomartin?

  3. In my imagination I can picture Dinos kids coming up to Dino and asking pop, can you tell us about the Birds and the Bees ?
    And Ol Dino breaking into song.
    That is in my imagination, most likely ol Dino would have said go ask your mom.
    I have been mistaken, for some reason, Mr. Levi I was under the impression you are Ms Kylies sister.
    Please accept my apology.
    I cant think of anyone more worthy than yourself to be Ms. Kylies beau.
    She is a sweet young girl and its nice to find a young couple who both are dedicated Dean Martin fans.
    May you continue to enjoy much happiness,
    Both you and Ms. Kylie

  4. Hey pallie, Paul, man, I loves your Dino-imagination 'cause I can see that Dino-scene as well...perhaps it was the Jeanne who did the amore educatin'...but as I sez, there is no one more qualified to speak of the facts of life then our swingin' Dino...and likes I am sure that Levi will appreciate your Dino-patter to him....

  5. I love this song so much, as Levi mentioned when I was little this was one of my favourite songs and I often played it over and over.
    I remember someone else recorded it, I forget who, but I never cared for their version.
    Dear BZNGS,
    there`s no need to call me Ms Kylie, just call me Kylie or even Ky if you like.
    I want to thankyou for your nice compliment but I also want to correct you on the relationship between me and Levi.
    When we were kids he had a crush on me but just like the flu or german measles he got over it.
    We have become great friends, the best.
    And in a way Levi is like a brother to me.
    But Levi is not my beau or boyfriend.
    I think the world of Levi but sorry to dissappoint you, there is no Amore, at least not on my part.
    But I can say whichever girl is lucky enough to catch Levi will be a very lucky girl.
    Levi doesn`t drink, use drugs or smoke, he is well mannered and I`m pleased to say he has great taste in music :) and though he may like to annoy me sometimes, he is a great kid.
    Just wanted to set the record straight.
    If you ask Levi about the birds and the bees he will think you are talking about his garden, lol
    Good to see you posting :)
    Hugs from Kylie

  6. Hey pallie Ky, cool that you and our Deanager Levi have common Dino-memories of this tune....indeed our Levi is very strong in his Dino-devotion and growin' into a fine young man...

  7. Kylie,
    If you say so.
    Reading everything you said about your friend Levi, I have my doubts you would ever find a young man as nice and level headed as Levi.
    And I doubt if he would ever find another young lady as nice and level headed as yourself.
    You are both Simpatico.
    I wish you both happiness and my hope is you find that happiness together.

  8. Hi Paul Dude,
    I aynt Kys brother, dunno what beau is but i am her boyfriend but Ky is hard to get tho so we are just friends for now.
    You can call Ky anything you like, i do and then i run as fast as i can :)
    Ky is a sweet girl sometimes, just joking, most times :)
    Ky said nice things bout me cept for the birds and bees part, i know more about birds and bees than Ky thinks i do.
    Birds tweet and bees sting
    Thanks Dude,
    gonna work on that amore but it aynt easy
    Ky thinks Im still a kid
    So long dude

  9. Hey pallie, thanks for more Dino-patter Deanager Levi...likes trust our Dino to helps you out in the area of amore.....
