Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Sunday music: the King of Cool

Hey pallies, our great Dino-holic pallie Miss AOW puts me onto the followin' Dino-post from Miss Karen Howes at her politico blog "Eastern Right." Clear to see that Miss Howes truly digs our Dino and although her Dino-thoughts are few, she shares a stellar Dino-vid of classic live moments of our Dino singin' both "Volare" and "An Evening In Roma."

Thanks to our great pallie Miss AOW for puttin' us on to this Dino-post and thanks to Miss Karen for sharin' some Dino-love with her readers. To checks this out in it's original Dino-format, likes just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-post. Dino-devotedly DMP btw pallies, likes we all knows that our Dino loves his liquid libations, but most of the time while he was performin' indeed the sauce in the glass was from the vine of the apple and unfermented.

Sunday music: the King of Cool

Sunday, October 3, 2010 | Karen Howes

It's really about time I featured some members of the Rat Pack, don't you think?

Some trivia about Dean Martin: he was born Dino Crocetti to Italian immigrant parents, and only spoke Italian until he started school. He dropped out of high school (he said he was smarter than his teachers), bootlegged liquor, dealt blackjack, and boxed-- sometimes bare-knuckled.

Supposedly, his ever-present drinks were really apple juice, but I wonder...


  1. Dino, thanks for the comment and the feature-- much appreciated. What a great blog, keep it up!

  2. Just wanted to say, "Great job on this site!" I've been faithfully checking it out everyday for a year now. My favorite place to visit. Keep it up, my Dino-lovin' brother!

    Danny G. from Boston

  3. Hey pallie, well Miss Karen glads you digs it...but likes who in their right might woulda not digs our Dino...hopes you will feature more Dino at your blog in the future and likes keeps lovin' our Dino...

  4. Hey pallie, Mr. Danny G. thanks ever so much for you kind and gracious words for the ol' ilovedinomartin Dino-blog...might I ask how you found this place of pure Dino-devotion?
    Hopes you will comment often as such Dino-patter is of great encouragement to this Dino-holic! And, keeps lovin' our Dino...

  5. Hello again Pallie, I thinks that I found this cool, cool site just googling "Dean Martin". Kinda forget. Either way, love knowin' that I have so many other Dino-holics like myself out there!
    I will forward some cool things about "Our great man" to you when I stumble across them. Talk soon!

    Danny G.

  6. Hey Dino dude, check out this pic of "The Pack". No info but pretty cool replicas.


  7. Hey Dino Martin Peters - I was trying to email you a link but I could not find your e-mail. I just posted a story about our pallie Dino...


  8. Hey pallie, how cool of you Mr. Danny to share that pix with your Dino-bro....just might finds a way to use that here at ilovedinomartin....keeps lovin' our Dino man.....

  9. Hey pallie, Mr. Lobosco, thanks for sharin' pallie...knows that your Dino-efforts will prob be shared here at ilovedinomartin likes real Dino-soon...and anytime you wanna patter me, you can reach me at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com

  10. Hey pallie, Mr. Danny, woulda loves to have the op to have some one-on-one Dino-conversatio with ya man...if you gets a change email me at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com....great to be meetin' 'nother Dino-addict who likes can't gets 'nough of our great man....
