Saturday, April 24, 2010

On This Day In Dino-history: April 25, 1973

Hey pallies, 37 years ago on this very Dino-date our Dino made his vows to love, honor, and cherish Miss Catherine Mae Hawn. Always workin' on learnin' more Dino-details of the weddin', but discovered yester-Dino-day that the flowers alone for this gala event cost $85,000.

'Nother cool Dino-fact (as recorded in his girlpallie Deana's Dino-tome) is that our ever generious Dino gifted the frankie (his best man) with the gift of a gold cigarette lighter studded in diamonds sayin' "FUCK YOU VERY MUCH."

As you look at the stellar weddin' poses 'bove and below, you can certainly see how much our Dino and Miss Cathy were in love. 'Specially diggs the shot below of the lovin' couple holdin' their champagne glasses and smoochin'.....buts unfortunately our Dino's marriage to wife numero 3 lasted less then 3 years. No one ever was or ever coulda be worthy of our Dino and Cathy with the candified K proved her unworthiness is very short time. More details of the weddin' are below. Dino-rememberin', DMP

Entertainer Dean Martin married his girlfriend of two years, Cathy Hawn, 25, in a small ceremony at his Hollywood home,Wednesday evening. Frank Sinatra was his best man. It was the third marriage for Martin, 55. It was Miss Hawn's second marriage, and her 6-year old daughter, Sasha, was the flower girl. The bride word a peach champaign French chiffon satin bias-cut gown with a high draped neck and a long train for the ceremony at Martin's home in the Bel Air area.


  1. So I have two questions:
    1. Where is that woman now?
    2. And what is on her head?

  2. Hey pallie, well I've been waitin' to hear from you Miss Sannie...know you are always "here" but it is cool to hear from you. Hear are my Dino-thoughts on your Dino-quires...

    (1)That's what I have been Dino-researchin' for long Dino-time...I woulda loves to interview her 'bout her relationship with our beloved Dino...always wondered if part of her Dino-settlement was to not be able to tell her Dino-story....

    (2) That creation are her head is part of the pricey $85,000 spent on flowers for the weddin'....very moddish for the time I am sure....

  3. Never could understand what Dean was thinking when he married... her !?!

    @Sannie, it's probably i bird nest or something like that!

  4. Hey pallie, our Dino and Miss Cathy had been amorin' for two solid years before they tied the knot 'cause our Dino had to wait for the strin's to be cut completely with the jeanne....checks out today's Dino-post for a thrillin' pix of our beloved Dino obviously very much in amore with Miss Cathy....

    My thoughts is the problemo is simply that no one is truly worthy of bein' loved by the King of Cool....

  5. Jeanne was! She was the love of his life, just look at Cathy, she reminds me of Jeanne! Dean had his mid life crises and was looking for someone younger, so he found Cathy.
    Never could, never will understand what the hell he was thinking!!

  6. Hey pallie, actually if you recall from readin' Tosches' stellar Dino-bio, it was a pallie of Dino's that discovered Miss Cathy receptionin' at an upscale beauty salon and made the intro of her to our Dino, this is exactly the same way that Dino got fetchin' 19 year old Miss Andre way of introduction...

  7. dino was introduced to a LOT of girls thru the years and had relationships with them - but those never led to marriage.... i can see why dino was attracted to cathy - she was a beautiful woman - and i agree with maria that he was having a major midlife crisis - but what he saw in her as a marriage partner is a mystery to me too. while he was waiting to cut the strings to jeanne (yes she was the love of his life - a true partner in many ways) - kathy was stringing him along

  8. Hey pallie, well Miss Lisa, when our Dino dropped wife numero uno, Betty, for the Jeanne, it was for a younger woman. When our Dino dropped wife numero duo, the Jeanne, if was for a younger woman....Miss Gail Renshaw....when that amore didn't work out...Dino went lookin' for 'nother younger woman which happened to be Cathy...and when marriage numero tres failed, again our Dino looked for a younger woman and lighted on Andre Boyer

    Dino has a pattern of lovin' younger and younger beautiful chicks....and likes what chick in their right mind coulda resisted our Dino?!?!?!

    Mid-life crisis is how women tend to look at it, men likes myself simply see our Dino lovin' to be loved by youthful chicks that kept him swingin' and youthful himself....our Dino spoke of "keepin' the accent on youth" and he certainly did so with the ladies in his life....

  9. there are younger women and there are younger women - jeanne was 10 years younger than him - considerable difference but not crazy - kathy was half his age! to me thats a midlife crisis! and yes - he continued to chase after younger women - probably in some subconscious attempt to hang onto his youth - but in the end he got back with jeanne - his true love :) and the woman that was alway meant for him

  10. Call it what you want, but i call it mid life crisis or too much booze lol
    That woman was never good for him, they fought a lot, even in public places! And if you know Dean, he was never too fund of fights or discussions!

  11. Hey pallie, thanks for continuin' to comment on this Dino-story. If my math is Dino-correct, in September of 1949 when Dino marriaged the jeanne, he was 32 years of age...if, as you say, the jeanne was ten years younger, she woulda been 22....3 years less then Cathy was when she married our Dino. So, actually when our Dino married Cathy she was an older woman then the jeanne. Seems to be that throughout his life our beloved Dino simply loved bein' married to very young chicks. Why is it that so many of our Dino's lady fans are so protective and supportive of the jeanne....'cause I just don't get it.

  12. Hey pallie, well Miss Maria, the ladies who follow this Dino-blog are certainly of one mind. And, I woulda say that your arguments have validity. Woulda loves to hear from some other male Dino-devottes out there...I support our Dino in his quest for Dino-happiness with his amores of choice....

  13. i agree with Lisa, Jeanne was the love is life and he knew it all a long!

    @DMP, think we like Jeanne so much because she was a true lady, class, beauty, great mother and wife. Dean was very happy with her, and you can always see that in all their pictures together! It was love at first sight, and i don't think he ever stopped loving her, but he just needed something new and different... like *ewe* Cathy lady..

    But that's only my point

  14. Hey pallie, Miss Maria...first of all, all my best to you as you get graduated, and yes, I hear and understand your Dino-position....but this willa comes as no surprise to you, but I always have, always will support our Dino in his every this Dino-devotee, I see more happiness in our Dino's face when he was with the likes of Gail Renshaw and Cathy Hawn then most of the pictures I see him with the jeanne. And, as you say, that is just my point.

  15. Thank you, DMP.
    Well you are a guy, so you think a little different then we women do :)

  16. Hey pallie, you are most welcome. I'm a guy, our Dino's a guys have gotta sticks together...besides who better to side with then our beloved one for Dino-sure...
