Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Dino and Cathy with the candified K

Hey pallies, likes checks out this amazin' pix of our Dino and Miss Cathy. Was doin' some Dino-researchin' for more info on their beautiful weddin' and came 'cross this pad tagged "Who's Dated Who" (clicks on tagg of this post to goes there.)

Found this heartwarmin' pix of our beloved Dino and Miss Cathy. Just look at the look on our great man's face....anyone can see that he is simply and purely in love with his amore. Woulda loves to know the story 'round the clickin' of this pix....before or after the weddin'. Makes me feel so so thrilled just to see how happy Miss Cathy was makin' our Dino at the time this pix was taken.

BTW, joined the Who's Dated Who pad and you will note that I uploaded all the pixs that I know of that feature our Dino and Cathy with the candified K. Be likes totally Dino-assured pallies that I will do my very Dino-best to continue the search for more Dino-facts the life and times of our Dino durin' his amorin' of Miss Catherine. Dino-sharin', DMP


  1. luv Deans look in this pic, thanks 4 the dumb, what does with a candified K mean?

  2. Hey pallie,(1) loves that you loves the Dino-look in this here pix; (2) the way your are likes totally full of Dino-love and obviously so cravin' of more and more Dino-knowlege...never ever thinks of yourself as dumb...that's reserved for folks for can't understand the addictive power of our Dino; (3) "Cathy with the candified K" is a tagg that one of our Dino's biographers (coulda been Nick Tosches) gave to Catherine Mae Hawn as a less then term of endearment if you know what I mean. Many many Dino-lovers have looked at Miss Cathy as simply a goldbricker out to take all she could from our beloved Dino. The notion is Cathy turned her Kathy to Cathy by candifyin' the "K." But as you will note from this pix our Dino was truly smitten with wife numero 3.

  3. Oh I just think he lost his mind.

  4. he may have been smitten as they say love is blind - but she was still a goldigger (and not the nice kind on the DM show) and tried to control our loving dino's life from the beginning of their marriage. my bet would be that the pic is from pre-wedding days!

  5. Hey pallie, well Miss Sannie, y'know amore can does that kinda stuff to a lovin' guy likes our Dino....what we do know for sure is that his smitteness with Cathy didn't last that many months after the weddin'...

  6. Hey pallie, Miss Lisa, thanks for joinin' the Dino-dialogue here at ilovedinomartin...yeah, from what little we know 'bout Miss Cathy she took full advantage of our Dino's generousity....hopes you will share your Dino-thoughts often...

  7. ...yea idk what candified means :/

  8. Hey pallie, loves to be of Dino-assitance in helpin' others get more in the Dino-know....
