Saturday, April 24, 2010

Words of Wisdom - Dean Martin does The Rat Pack

Hey pallies, likes the web is just aboundin' with Dino-treasures just waitin' to be uncovered. Likes I trys to follow up every Dino-'lert lead, but not every cool Dino-item gets 'lerted. Here's a very cool piece of Dino-wisdom that I just discovered.

From the blogg "Stupid & Contagious" comes this amazin' piece of Dino-humor that has just so so much Dino-wisdom to be pondered. Woulda loves to know the context of when and where our Dino first spokes this Dino-truism. To view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post. Dino-studyin', DMP

Words of Wisdom - Dean Martin does The Rat Pack

"The whole world is drunk and we're just the cocktail of the moment. Someday soon, the world will wake up, down two aspirin with a glass of tomato juice, and wonder what the hell all the fuss was about."


  1. That's not Dean, it's from The Rat Pack movie...

  2. Hey pallie, thanks so much for lettin' me know, likes I so appreciate you bringin' that to our attentionado........and settin' the Dino-record straight. Since I have not seen that flick mighta you gives us the context of the quotation?

  3. Ehm, let's see... i think it was when Dean and Sammy where talking about Martin and Lewis and Rat Pack, and Sammy told Dean to just stay at the party and have good time, when Dean called to girls and made a funny voice/face and told Sammy that The Rat Pack is something that probably would not last too long.. Making a long story short ...

  4. Hey pallie, thanks you don't think that it is an historical quotation made by our Dino?..... 'cause it sounds so so much like our great man. Our Dino is so so profound 'specially when he is makin' with the jokes....

  5. Yes i know it's not his, i've talked to Deana about that movie...

  6. Hey pallie, well again I so appreicate you usin' your Dino-expertise to keep the Dino-record straight....
