Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dean Martin showed up for a photo op with Miss Gayle Carline.

Hey pallies, likes clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to read 'bout Miss Gayle Carline's bash celebratin' the publication of her first book,"Freezer Burn," a murder mystery that features main character Benny Needles who's like a total Dinoholic. As you will see below, it was so cool of our Dino to show up for a pix op with Miss Gayle. You'll be hearin' more from Miss Gayle 'bout her Dinofocus in "Freezer Burn" in just a few right here at the ol' ilovedinomartin Dinoblog. Dinolovin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. That would be cool to have.

  2. Hey pallie, yeah I certainly have that on my Dinolist of Dinoneeds....loves to have our Dino to look at and takes Dinoinspiration from each and every Dinoday....have the bestest of best days in our Dino....
