Friday, July 10, 2009 highlights ilovedinomartin Dinopost

Hey pallies, likes all I can say is WOW....just found that the pad picked up the ilovedinomartin Dinopost... Las Vegas Auction: Elvis Presley-Dean Martin-Jerry Osborne!

It's printed below, but please go to the pad by clickin' on the tagg of this Dinogram to see how this humble little Dinoblog has been honored by bein' shared with the world wide web.... Dinopsyched, DMP

Las Vegas Auction: Elvis Presley-Dean Martin-Jerry Osborne!

Source: — Friday, July 10, 2009

Hey pallies, gotta ‘fess up that I just loves how our Dino continues to guide and direct this pallie….sometimes with the aid of google ‘lerts to more and more cool Dinotreasure to share with all you committed Dinoholics. Here is a youtube clip of an auction held in 1999 of Elvis memorabilia where Jerry Osborne bids the big bucks to get a 1959 congratulatory telegram that Elvis and Col Parker sent to our Dino…if you looks closely at the vid you will see part of the telegram. Have tried to find more info on this historic ‘gram to our Dino…but to no avail. Enjoys watchin’ this clip…wishes I was the one who had gotten the high big on this piece of Dinohistory. In our Dino, DMP btw, clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to gives credit to who first put me on to this…. In late October 1999, the Elvis Presley Estate (Graceland) auctioned thousands of his personal items, with proceeds going to charity. Jerry Osborne is profiled in his quest to win a humorous telegram from Elvis and Col. Parker to Dean Martin, sent in 1959. …


  1. Hey pallie Maria, thanks Dinogirl....most importantly, hopes this will direct more pallies to our little Dinopad Dinoblog here and that that will lead to many others comin' to know, love, and honor our Dino likes we try to do.....everythin' for our DINO!

  2. : )
    Ohh, by the way.. i found this picture of Dean and Frank.. But, i saw this one weard think.. Frank has this miniature picture of Jerry.. but this was taken loong after Dean and Jerry broke up.. so why would Frank have a picture of Jerry on Deans Show? U can find this picture on my blog: ) Just paste it in here if u want : )

  3. Hey pallie Maria, great Dinoquestion...don't have any clue...I have seen that pix before, but never saw the little jer pix on frankie...maybe the frankie was tryin' to tease our Dino...frankie no cool....our Dino likes total cool....

  4. Yeah that's probably the case.. It's like when Sammy did impression of Jerry.. Dean didn't exactly like that either..

  5. Hey pallie DMP. Wow! That is so cool. Congrats.

  6. Hey pallie Maria, when are these boys gonna learn that it is not cool to mess with our Dino....

  7. Hey pallie Keith, you really think so...just tryin' to bring others to our Dino....
