Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rememberin' the 40th Anniversary of the Moon Landin' with our Dino singin' "Blue Moon"

Hey pallies, likes wishes I could claim that this was an original Dinoidea...but gotta 'fess up that this notion first appear by 'nother blogger (clicks on tagg of this Dinopost to visit Pop Art Diva), but likes they didn't post this Dinovid....but what a cool idea to remember the July 20th 1969 moon landin' by sharin' our outta-this-world Dino singin' his stellar version of "Blue Moon" from the Dinoshow.....the one where our Dino sez "wisper" 'stead of whisper and likes totally cracks himself up as well as the audience.

Enjoys our flyin' high Dino singin' 'bout the moon.... Dinolovin', DMP


  1. I really love this song : )
    Long tome no see, how are things?

  2. Hey pallie Maria, loves this Dinotune so so much....well, you are probably wonderin' 'bout my absence from the ilovedinomartin Dinoblog....well, I am tryin' to become more and more detached followin' our Dino's stellar example....so am workin' on lettin' go of everythin' and everyone 'cept for our great man....I will still be postin' significant Dinothoughts and Dinoevents here...but am tryin' to not get so attached to it...btw, am still workin' on a few more Dinoquestions for your Dinointerview and then will work on gettin' it ready to post here....all my Dinoreadin' of late here and beyond shows me that the key to bein' more like our Dino is bein' willin' to let go and just detach from everythin' that gets in the way of followin' Dino...findin' that even great thin's like this blog dedicated to our Dino can get in the way of bein' detached and free...as free as our amazin' hero...DINO!!!!

  3. Ah, a great song.

    So just for the record, as per your request, the Republibot website will be reviewing all of the Matt Helm movies, starting with "The Silencers" on August 7th, Friday. We'll do one move every Friday after that.

    Just wanted to let you know.

  4. Oh that's so cool : )
    Can't wait for more questions.

  5. Hey pallie, thanks so much for the head's up 'bout your Dinoreports on the Matt Helm capers...lookin' forward to your thoughts on what I consider to be our Dino at his shinin' best....just bein' his oh so cool, hip, and every randy Dinoself...thanks for the Dinopatter...will be checkin' it out asap tomorrow Dinomornin'...and thanks for doin' your part to spread the Dinommesage farther and wider so that more and more pallies come to know, love, and honor our Dino....

  6. Hey pallie, you sez "Oh that's so cool : )" Might I ask for Dinoclarafication on exactly what you are referrin' to...thinks I know, but wanna makes sures....btw, no disrespect, but am goin' to try to only call everyone pallies 'round her as part of my effort to gets totally detached....one of the thin's that our Dino is teachin' me is that he calls people pallies at part of his way of bein' detached...everybody's a pallie...no need to name 'em...just stay detached from all that.....and will try to get you a Dinoquestion or two....

  7. I was thinking about you converting into Dino so much more : ) I think thats the way we all should live our life's!

    Oh, no taken by the way.. Maybe i should start calling every one pallie too ; )

  8. Hey pallie, glads for you not takin' no offense....just so thrilled to be gettin' into becomin' likes totally detached like our Dino and our great man is teachin' me so much 'bout this...takin' this Dinoblog less seriously....callin' everybody just pallie....and keepin' my distance from everyone and everythin' as much as possible...excludin' our Dino of course...and yes, I think all who loves our Dino and wants to be more like him oughta works on becomin' more and more detached...

  9. Hey pallie DMP. Great post. I love this clip. It's a great way to celebrate such a monumental day.

  10. Hey pallie, yeah, when I saw someone else have the idea of honorin' this historic moment with a Dinotune...knew I had to do it here at the Dinopad....may not be postin' as much or as often, but still plan to use this platform to honor our Dino and bring others to him....
