Tuesday, June 26, 2007

our Dean Martin blog, ilovedinomartin has come under attack

Hey pallies, sadly it has come to my attention that a Mr. Jaime Weinman has seen fit to attack our Dinoblog ilovedinomartin sayin' that he finds it "terrifying." You can read his blog post by clickin' on the title of this post. Please read his thoughts carefully as well as my comments back to him. If you feel so lead, I would appreciate you sharin' any of your thoughts with this gentleman as well. To me it is a sad day when such disrespect is shown to Dean Martin and some of his loyal and devoted fans.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I saw your comment. I don't think I was "attacking" you, or Dean Martin, or this blog. If I had meant to attack you I wouldn't have mentioned that I thought there was a tongue-in-cheek element to this. I was more using that post as a jumping-off point to talk about Martin and other people who aren't always "on" in everything they do.

    But I certainly didn't mean to attack anyone for being a fan; I think fandom is great, and just as I said would never attack Dean Martin for not always being "on," I would never attack anyone for liking the Matt Helm-type stuff.

    There are people who like Dean Martin for some things and not others, but I think most people (including me) find a lot of things to like about his work.

  3. Mr. Weinman, your choice of the word "terrifying" is in my book yellow journalism....and who are you to be the judge when someone is "on" or not? The tenner of your comments was anything but friendly.

  4. Hey,
    I left some comments over at Weinman's blog. You know how much I love your blog and appreciate the work you do on it. I hope my comments over there expressed that...take care...

  5. Hey pallie Jeremy, read your amazin' comments supportin' our Dino, this Dinoblog and me....it is just so Dinoheartwarmin' to have a pallie like you come forward and stand up to bullies like Mr. Weinman....thanks for all your Dinoencouragement!!!! Dinoforward!!!!

  6. Hey pallie DMP, I won't repeat it all here but check out what I wrote on Mr. Weinman's blog about his statements. I hadn't been sure how to handle this. I'm not one who likes a lot of negativity and didn't want to get in the middle of some sort of confrontation. I did feel like, especially after Jeremy's comments, that I should step in and say something. You are a great friend who is doing a wonderful thing here with the blog. I know I appreciate it very much.

  7. Hey pallie Keith, just read your Dinoinsightful words over at Mr. Weinman's blog....I appreciate your Dinocomments of support for our Dino, the Dinoblog, and for me. You truly have such a special way of expressin' your Dinoadmiration....between you and pallie Jeremy, you certainly have set this blogger Dinostraight. Again, thanks my great Dinobro for sharin' your Dinosupport for this Dinolabor of pure Dinolove!!!!! So glad to call you my Dinobro!

  8. I'm arriving rather late to this fashionable party, but I just wanted to add that you're blog is a terrific tribute to Dino and I for one enjoy your sense of humor and obvious appreciation of all aspects of Dino's career. There's nothing "terrifying" or "cultist" about you, your blog or your blog visitors.

    I didn't bother leaving a comment in the nay-sayers blog since they seem to lack humor and a sense of fun. I don't want to get into any online blog wars, but they really are not worth your time. Someone should pour them another cocktail.

    Keep doing what your doing. Cheers!

  9. Hey pallie Cinebeats, thanks for droppin' by and addin' your words of Dinoapproval for the ol' Dinoblog. Glad you like the party at ilovedinomartin and please, keep comin' back for more Dinofun and Dinofrolic!!!!!

  10. I am huge fan of Dino, don't get me wrong. That said.
    I believe Weinman's "attacks" are pointed more to the excessive worshiping, idolizing, gushing and mimicking towards Dino.
    The word "pallie" alone is written 16 times on the front page. Pallie just about has lost all meaning here. It's a noun, verb, adverb, and adjective on this site. Yes I know Dino used the word, however I really don't think the mans vocabulary was that weak where every third word was pallie.

    Dinoterrific? Dinoliscious? Just by placing Dino as a prefix or suffix on a word doesn't make the word cool, it just devalues the name Dino. It's over-marketed to be truthful. It's becoming watered down and cheapened.

    But I think the true test for this over obsession is to think how level headed Dean would view this page. I think he would laugh and be shocked how his image has become a bunch of catchphrases.
    The man was a great entertainer.
    Tounge and cheek for a while, yes. But day in and day out of tounge and cheeking will only cheapen Deans image.
    My only request, because this is one of the best sites for Dean, is that people would treat Deans work with an adult attitude and approach. We don't need the J-Lo, K-fed 16 year old mentality treatment for Dean. He was above that, and so should his fans.

  11. Ed, thanks for sharin' your views. To me, Dino is about fun and not taking anything too seriously. I think Dino would get a great laugh and give a wink or nod of approval of a place honoring him that does take him seriously, while taking him very seriously....do you understand what I mean? Thanks for sharing your perspective, I just don't happen to agree with you on this. Glad you like the site, hope you will stop by again and enjoy the magic that is DINO!
