Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dean Martin: Forever Cool

Hey pallies, like stop whatever you are doin' and click on the title of this Dinopost for the greatest of greatest Dinonews. On August 14, Capitol/EMI are releasin' a Dinotrib album called Dean Martin: Forever Cool. Could write more on this, but the Dinolink has all the great Dinodetails!!!


  1. This is fantastic news. I am so thrilled by this. I guess with the success of the Essential CD, we had to know it was only a matter of time. Dino is becoming more and more popular each day. The King of Cool reigns supreme. I do love the way that Dino is described in this article, with words like masculine cool. I can't wait to get this when it comes out.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, dude thanks for stoppin' by. I know you would love the news of this new Dinorelease. I am so Dinopsyched by the notion of the companion DVD as well as the CD itself.
