Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Dean Martin: May the Lord Bless You Real Good

Hey pallies, what a cool Dinovid for the 4 of July....if our Dino was elected governor of any state...that's where I'd move in a heartbeat. Have never seen Ada...but gotta find it as soon as Dinopossible!!!!


  1. That's a great video. Thanks for sharing it with us. It's perfect as we Americans get ready to celebrate the 4th of July. I would definitely move to any state that Dino was the governor of. I guess he might have run for that of California. If not the governor, he would have made a cool mayor of Las Vegas. Have a Happy 4th!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, thanks for takin' the time to stop by the Dinoblog and check out what is new. I felt so Dinoled when this Dinoclip turned up at youtube 'cause I was hopin' for somethin' special for our celebration of independance day....but all true Dinoholics know that we are all truly DEPENDENT on our DINO!!!!!

  3. Dean Martin was very patriotic and viewed America as a land of blessings.

    The film Ada is quite good. I've watched it several times. Susan Hayworth is the co-star.

  4. Hey pallie AOW, yeah, our Dino has such appreciation for the good ol' USA...and indeed it was the land of milk (perhaps J&B Scotch is more appropo) and honey ( a tag that I'm sure that our Dino used on more then one of his lovlies).

  5. I see I commented on this when you first posted it. I'm going to leave a little more Dinopatter. It would be cool to have seen Dino run for political office, whether it was governor or president. I'm sure he would make any governor's mansion or the White House itself a more cool, hip, and randy joint. Dean Martin For President 2008. All Hail The Chief!!!

  6. hey pallie keith, dude like thanks so much for stoppin' by...can always count on your Dinosupport...and yeah...think how cool the campaign would become if our Dino was runnin' for major political office....can't you just see our great man burstin' into song or crackin' a joke when the convo got to serious!

  7. hey pallie keith, dude like thanks so much for stoppin' by...can always count on your Dinosupport...and yeah...think how cool the campaign would become if our Dino was runnin' for major political office....can't you just see our great man burstin' into song or crackin' a joke when the convo got to serious!
