Sunday, January 07, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Out In The Cold Again"

 Hey pallies! How's thins'? 

Welcome to Dino-Winter Season 2024!

Is thins' gettin' "wintery" yet? 

Yea, we gots our first "significant" snowfall blowin' in tonight...6"-12". Not to mention it's only 14 degrees out! OMG! Haha!! 

That's nuthin' for us though. Just a drop of vino in the bucket, 'round here. biggie, pallies. And besides...I got my Dino-tunes to keep me warm! Little tequila too...Hahaha!!! 

No problem! 

Actually, stayin' warm was never so damn cool, my friends! Ha! Dean ALWAYS gets thins' heated...even durin' a storm... & today's Serenade is gonna show youse EX ACT LY what I mean! 

Grabbed this wintery classic off my own personal FAVE snowy al b um..."Winter Romance". "Out in the Cold Again", may sound chilly. It may sound FROSTY! Man o might even sound "face first in the snow, FREEZIN'"!!! Haha!! But believe me, pallies...this tune is SURE to makes youse feel ALL comfy cozy & so so snuggly inside! 

Bet youse didn't think youse could be warm & cool at the EXACT same time, huh?! 

Well, pals...that's the Dino-Winter Season magic! 

Never underestimate our pal amongst pals, mi amici! He's got ALL the tricks up his sleeve to gets the pep in your snowy step! 

OK, pals o mine...grab a seat...your FAVE spot...get a drinky...your FAVE concoction...& press "PLAY". 

It's time to settle in for a long...cold...Winter.'s only 71 days 'til Spring! Yes!!! 

We got this, my friends! 


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