Sunday, December 31, 2023

Danny G's SPECIAL Happy Dino-Year 2024 Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Ain't That A Kick In The Head"

 Happy Dino-Year 2024!!! 

Man o man...what a whirlwind it's been, pals!!! 

I'm not even sure what DAY it is...never mind the year! Hahaha!!! Thins' have been so so crazy durin' these last couple Mondays seem like Fridays & Wednesdays are like Saturdays!!! Man! 

Hopes I'm not writin' Danny G's THURSDAY Serenade with Dino!!! Haha!! Not that that would be a bad thin', either! Matter o' fact...might be a GREAT idea!!! Haha!!! 

Anyway, pals...if youse is checkin' this out a day or two early...or a few days late...Happy Dino Year! We made it! Dino lead us through the thick & thin of 2023. Some good...some not so great. But guess what, mi amici! It's time to start fresh!!! friends...I'm POS I TIVE Dino will help swing us into the BEST year yet! 

Now pals...let's keep Nanna G's tradition goin' & open up our doors at the stroke of midnight or right now! Let that old, stale air out...& that new REFRESHIN' air in! Todays the day we start our bestest & coolest life! Enjoy & appreciate it, my friends! 

Ok, my little New Years Dino-babies...let's get the very last Sunday Serenade of 2023 spinnin'! 

What do youse say we kick off the new year...with a little "Ain't That A Kick In The Head"?! 

A very dear friend...& a TRUE lover of All thins' Dino...suggested this cool cool jam. She says that the message she is gettin' from this tune is to wake up & improve yourself in 2024! Whatever it may be...let's all try to enjoy life a little more & do whatever necessary to make that happen. 

Oh, & DEF I NATE LY absorb even MORE Dino-ologies! That's ALWAYS the best way to start! Best role model ever! 

Maybe we could all use a gentle little kick in the head to remind ourselves how blessed we are! 

So, mi we go! 

It's a new year! 

A new start! 

Dean spreads that same vibe to me now & EVERYDAY! 

Let's make 2024 GREAT! 

Turn this up, put it on repeat & raise a glass to the good times to come! 


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