Sunday, April 23, 2023

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Last Time I Saw Paris"

 Welcome, mi amici! 

So So glad youse stopped by...on this rainy little Spring mornin'. 

Hope everyone is in good spirits & TOTALLY absorbin' this TRULY magical combination of April & Dino croons! Such a great time of year, pals! The Easter vibe continues! 

Hey, pallies...just 'cause the that big bunny packed up his colored eggs, & split town...that don't mean the "Eastery" scene is over! No No No! This is the TRUE beginnin' of "New Years" to this fella, & I plans on keepin' it rollin' right up to we is singin' in the Summery sunshine! Ha! 

Well, pallies o' mine...just as I expected...I'm bein' lured back to Dean's COOL COOL al b um of Parisian song..."French Style". Yes, my friends...I thinks I'll hang 'round this vinyl work of art, just a little bit longer. These drizzly days & this record just seem to pull me in. They set the Springtime stage. One compliments the other, I think. 

So, my fellow Dino-holics...who better than our main dude, make a cloudy day shine...& how better than with a little "The Last Time I Saw Paris"?! 

This is EXACTLY the serenadin' we need to REALLY keep the vibe of this AWESOME season rollin', my friends! 

Now the only wee, little, tiny, miniscule, problemo...was I couldn't choose which Dino-vid to play! Yes, pals...I was havin' a Dino-dilemma. 

My first choice is ALWAYS a live...from Dean's show...chillin' on his couch, croon. These are my personal faves. 

But,'s a short version. Only 'bout a minute. 

Now...I ob vi ous ly want to share as much Dino-croonin' as possible. So do I go with the full studio-recorded jam...or with the very suave but short live vid?! 

Well, ladies & gentlemen...I'm SURE youse already knows how I roll. 

Only really one thin' to do. 

OK...let's say it all together..."PLAY BOTH VIDS"!!! Haha!! 



So, my fellow Dino-diggin' Parisians...never mind the clouds! 

Forget the sprinkles & downpours! 


Dino got this! 


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