Sunday, April 30, 2023

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I Wish You Love"

 Welcome back, mi Dino-lovin' amici! So very happy youse stopped by. 

Well, pals...looks like April is windin' down & a new Springtime month is headin' our way! 

Each new day seems to be gettin' more & more BEA U TI FU! Truly a blessin' from above, my friends. 

Let's get some Dino-tunes flowin' & make the most of this SWEET & COOL COOL time of year! 

"I wish you bluebirds in the Spring, to give your heart a song to sing." Man...that says it ALL, my friends. Dino wishing us somethin' as peaceful as that REALLY says a lot to me. It's one of the simplest thoughts in the world. Calmin'...happy...tranquil even! Haha!! But, man o's great! 

It tells us that the smallest thins' in this world can be the BIGGEST treasures! 

I've said it before & I'll say it 'gain & 'gain! The BESTEST thins' in life don't come from a fancy store or a sparklin' showroom. They come from our heart & soul, my friends. 

Some of the GREATEST joys in my life & MOSTEST specialist moments have been quiet & calm. No fantastico over-the-top celebration...just a sunny day with a special friend or a relaxin' night with some Dino & vino! 

That's the good stuff, pallies. Embrace it all. 

So as we welcome in a new WON DER FUL month...let's keep those "easy, breezy days" in mind. Their what REALLY matter, mi amici. 

"I Wish You Love" is EXACTLY the way I want to slide into May! Dean's voice floatin' in on a warm Spring breeze...laid back & chillin'.'s the good life, pals. 


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