Sunday, April 03, 2022

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "April In Paris"

 Welcome back, Dino-lovers...One & All! Large & Small  

Glad youse could stop by our humble little pad! 

Ahhhh.....April. Probably my FAV O RITE month of the year, mi amici. 

Tricky one, though. Still a little cool. Skies sometimes sunny...sometimes little cloudy. matter! 

Every mornin' seems to come a little sooner & every dusk is seemin' to come a wee bit later. Hang in there, people...warm days are comin'!  

Hey, pallies...after all...Spring is a funny matter WHERE youse live! 

Youse gots to 'member...we just climbin' out of a LONG...COLD...Winter! Takes a little weenin' to gets back into the Springtime swing! 

Have patience, pallies!!! Haha!!  

I thinks I know what might help! 

Some seasonal Dino! 

For today's Serenade we's gonna take a trip over to a city that is known for it's rainy seasons...& passionate feelins'! PARIS! 

Man o' man...what a romantico place it must be, huh pals? 

Well, if anyone would's our man of the world...Dino! 

Dean was DEF I NATE LY a world traveler & DEF I NATE LY a master of romance! 

I found "April In Paris" on Dino's 1962 Reprise al b um..."French Style". 

What a perfecto piece of vinyl for this wonderful time of year! 

GREAT GREAT collection of some of Dean's MOST BEA U TI FUL songs! 

I'm diggin' each & every one of these jams with Dino's accentin' on the language of love! 

Hey let's face it, pallies...Dino can spread the message of love no matter WHAT tongue he's croonin' & WHAT culture he's swoonin'! 

OK pals o' mine...'nough Danny G-talkin'...let's get's Dino-rockin' we go!!! 

Spring it up, pals! 


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