Sunday, March 27, 2022

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino "Cha Cha Cha D'Amour"

 Hey pals...Welcome to our Numero Due (two in Italiano) Sunday Serenade with Dino ...Spring 2022!

Yes...I'm STILL rantin' 'bout it bein' Spring ...& Man o man, mi amici...does that feel GREAT to say! Ha! 

So, pallies...what's shakin', on this SUNNY March day? 

Hopefully not youse! Haha!! 

Hopefully not chilly weather. 

We is startin' to see some DEFINATE improvements 'round 

No problemo, either way though, my friends. It's SPRING!!! Don't matter if it's warm 'nough. Don't matter if rainin' or blizzardin'! Don't even matter if this damn virus is still hangin' 'round! Your ol' pallie, Danny G., DEF I NATE LY ain't complainin'!!  

For I've been sayin''s a state of mind, mi amici. 

For me...there simply ain't NO better time of year! 

It's a season of new beginnins'! 

A chance to start fresh! 

Hey, pals...I can ALWAYS use a fresh start! Haha!! 

Snow is gone...for now anyway. Birds are slowly startin' to sing! 

Man o man , my friends...I cants' help but get SO SO 'cited!!! 

We needs a jumpy little Dino-jam to shake off these wintery chills & gets our Springtime blood flowin'! 

Screw the Corona! Throw on some Dino! 

I know a PERFECTO tune for this week's Serenade! 

Let's get those dancey latin beats thumpin' & get our sleepy wintery hearts back to pumpin'! Ha! 

A BIG...JUICY...EXTRA SPICY dose of "Cha Cha Cha D'Amour" should wake youse up! 

Turn this one WAAAYYY up, pallies! 

We'll make the cold & the COVID run for the hills! It's time to cha cha with Dino! Hahaha!!! I 

Found a COOL COOL vid, too. 

VERY nice pics. Little blurry though...unless that's just my martini kickin' in. Ha!  

This should get thins' shakin'. 

Hey, baby...that's how we like it, ol' pals o' mine...shaken, not stirred! 

Let's go!!! 

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