Sunday, November 21, 2021

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Canadian Sunset"

 Welcome back, pals! 

Hey...likes I know it's a few days early still, but...HAPPY DAY of GIVIN' DINO THANKS!!! 

Yes siree, pallies...tis' the season once 'gain. 

The season for ponderin' our blessins', mi amici! 

Ponderin' our lives! 

Ponderin'...MR. DEAN MARTIN! Haha!!'s true, ol' Dino-diggin' friends o mines...I'm serious! 

I thinks bout' ALL the different ways Dino helps me ALL year long, & I am SO SO greatful! Makes EVERYDAY SO SO much brighter! 

SO SO much funner! 

SO SO much more meaningful to me! 

REALLY makes me appreciate the MANY MANY ways I've been blessed. 

Yup...he's my main man, pallies! 

Anyways, mi amici...I hopes youse all had a chance to catch the premiere of "Dean Martin - The King of Cool", Friday or Saturday night! It was awesome!!! It's on the "Turner Classic Movies"

Two full hours of our main man! Interviews with all kinds of Dino-fans...Cool Cool clips from his TV show...thins' I've never seen! It's TRULY a "must see", pals.

No worries if youse missed it, though...I'm sure it will be played 'gain & I will definitely let youse know! 

So, my Dino-thanks givin' friends...I thinks I'll kick off this Cool Cool holiday seasonal Serenade with my usual Cool Cool "pre-holiday" seasonal Dino-jam! "Canadian Sunset". 

It just gets me in the right frame of mind, for what's headin' our way! ...CHAOS!!! Hahaha!!! 

Just kiddin' , pals. 

It's a great time of year to REALLY look at anythin' & everythin' good in our lives & be appreciative. 

No matter what or who it thankful. 

Life is TRULY a blessin'. 

As long as we have our & friends...and of course...the ONE & ONLY Dino...Life is good! 


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