Sunday, November 28, 2021

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Winter Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "A Winter Romance"

 Welcome back, ol' pals o mine! 

How was your day of Givin' Dino-thanks? 



Down sized? 

Full sized? 

Well,palles...whichever way youse decided to go...I bet youse is STILL dealin' with a mess! Haha!! 

Yup. Either takin' down the turkey decorations or puttin' away your best boozy punch's a lotta work. 

Well, my friends...are youse ready to do it all 'gain?! UGH!! Haha!! 

Hey, pallies...that's OK...tis the season...Dino-Winter Month! 

Here we go! 

We is 'bout to jump into the most wonderful time of the year & it's comin' up quick! 

Such a Fun & Crazy time, my friends! 

I AB SO LUTE LY love it & soaks in every single Dino-drippin' second! 

The whole thin', mi amici! 

The snow! 

The Christmas lights! 

The gift givin' & receivin'! 

Obviously, the tunes! 

And even though thins' in our world are a complete mess right now...I STILL loves it! Every Crazy Chaotic nuance of December is such fun to me...I just can't help but to thinks of Dino! 

He's all 'round us this time of year! 

The markets...the malls...the radio & on T.V.! 

It's positively INVIGORATIN'...hearin' & seein' our main dude... in all this Christmassy abundance! Haha!! 

BTW pals...Did youse all get chance to catch "Dean Martin- The King of Cool" yet?! Keep watchin' for it on TLC. It's COMPLETELY awesome! 

Now, as our fearless leader, DMP, always says..."Youse just don't know WHERE Dino will pop up next!" And as our great great friend, Ms. AOW, commented a couple years back..."He still seems so alive!" 

It's true, pallies! 

It's actually hard to believe he's been gone all these years! 

Just goes to show...once 'gain...that legends like Dean, never disappear. Never fade away. He will ALWAYS be with us, mi amici! Just like anyone who really mattered in our lives...Dino will live, through us, forever! 

So, my fellow Dino-holics...allow me to start an early kick off to Dino-Winter Month 2021! 

All youse needs to do is sit back & relax to this week's Serenade..."A Winter Romance". 

To me, it's Perfecto for this time of year & perfecto for gettin' us into the holiday Dino-groove! 

Enjoy, my friends! 

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