Friday, October 01, 2021

"Dino, this is where you gotta buckle down. This is it."

Hey pallies, likes we are tremendously thrilled to share a Dino-gram from 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin blog that is goin' to help all use Dino-philes return to the days when our Dino walked the earth and relive many many marvelous moments in the life, times, and teachin's of our most beloved Dino.

Likes we are greatly grateful to have been directed  to one of the most bountiful blogs ever where history is remarkably relived each and every day through vintage news paper articles and advertisments.  The blog is tagged "SCENES FROM THE MORGUE - THE LOST ART OF PULP ADS - FILM, BOOZE, SMOKES, & WHOLE LOT MORE."  Likes dudes with a tag likes that, we're willin' to bet the ranch that this is one swank site that our King of Cool would absolutely approve of.

As we said, today we are perfectly pleased to share a purely powerful post from this potent pad, awesomely accentin' our Dino in a marvelous multiplicity of wondrous ways.  Today's Dino-devotion is a 1958 pulp news  scribed by Hollywood columnist  Miss Erskine Johnson.  It's a remarkable read wondrously 'n wisely written by Miss Johnson after her bein' on the motion picture set of the shootin' of that classic of classic western "Rio Bravo," where our Dino plays the complexly challengin' role of "Dude."

Likes readin' Miss Erskine's touchin' 'n tender thoughts on the incredibly impressive wonderful work that our Dino does on what many pallies consider to be his bestest of best big screen appearances, makes us ever more deeply devoted to our main man.  We totally totally thrill to read producer/director Howard Hawks awesome appreciato of our Dino's efforts, and even better yet to read Erskine's sharin' of actual quotations spoken by our Dino.  It's truly a beautiful blast from the past and simply makes us dig our Dino all the more dudes!!!!!

We sez our tremendous thanks to the pallies at "SCENES FROM THE MORGUE" for awesomely aidin' us in our swingin' study of the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino."  We are hugely hopeful to continue to share  more posts from this pad in the Dino-future.  To checks out this material in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Erskine Johnson’s Hollywood :: It’s the Year’s Greatest Career Challenge. (June, 1958)

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  1. Wow! Awesome article, pal! Felt like I was back in 1958...readin’ the review on the latest & greatest Dino flik! Thanks for takin’ me on a fun fun journey, pal!

  2. Hey pallie, likes the ol' world wide web is truly truly a awesomely amazin' treasure trove of incredible information on the life, the times, the teachin's of our read our Dino's teachin's as quintessentially quoted in newsprint is absolutely awesome and keeps Dino-philes likes us searchin' for more and more of our teacher's truths.
