Thursday, September 30, 2021

Dean Martin - He once advised, “Be so good that they can’t ignore you.”

Image result for dean martin

Image result for Solomon Williams Obotetukudo
Hey pallies, likes this very Dino-day we are once 'gain absolutely awed to reverently reflect on yet 'nother of our most beloved Dino's thought-filled teachin's as shared by "author and consultant of speech writing, communications, and public speaking"  Dr. Solomon Williams Obotetukudo at the edifyin' educational blog site, "Medium," keenly known as "a place where words matter."

Dr. Obotetukudo holds a PhD in communication from the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communications and Journalism and today we accent his prose tagged "25 Ways You Can Avoid Being Replaced, With So Many, Yet So Few Opportunities Everywhere."

Likes all excellent educators, Dr. Obotetukudo, early on in his extraordinary essay, has chosen to use a story from real life to begin makin' his potent points.  The real life story happens to amazin'ly accent our most most beloved Dino.  Below all youse Dino-philes will find the two  perfect paragraphs that speak of our Dino and one of his tremendous teachin's : "“Be so good that they can’t ignore you.”

Words cannot express how totally totally thrilled we are to find some one of Dr. Obotetukudo's stature referencin' our Dino in his wise words.  We thank Dr. Obotetukudo for makin' remarkable reference to our Dino and sure to encourage many more to grow in knowin' and lovin' our one, our only Dino.  To read Dr. Obotetukudo's prose in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino  Martin Peters

25 Ways You Can Avoid Being Replaced, With So Many, Yet So Few Opportunities Everywhere

Solomon Williams Obotetukudo

May 16, 2017 ·

Even, Dean Martins, that famous American comedian believed that if one is good enough, one could hardly ever be replaced. Dean Martin was a comedian par excellence with his triumvirate ‘buddies’ of the ‘Rat pack’ trio that included him, Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis, Jr. He once advised, “Be so good that they can’t ignore you.”

Dean Martins was a man who must have had his share of opportunities by association. He must have gotten rough and/or free rides; sometimes stolen rides, paid rides, given rides, earned rides, acquired rides, or sometimes all other kinds of rides, as part of the perks for being an established and celebrated member of several of the twenty-one institutions that make the world go-round-and-round-and-round.


  1. Wickedly Wise words of Dino’s worldly wisdom, pallies!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, and our most beloved Dino perfectly practiced his own wise words 'cause likes who in their right mind coulda ever ignore...or want to, our main man?!?!?!?!?!?!
