Monday, September 13, 2021

Martin and Lewis reunite at the Cocoanut Grove '61



Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis reuniting at the Cocoanut Grove, 1961.

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis reuniting at the Cocoanut Grove, 1961.

Hey pallies, likes stop the presses pallies, likes in doin' some youtube searchin' for more and more tributes to our most beloved Dino and his mosts beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis we happened 'pon a vid clip swankly showin' our main man and his main partner makin' the scene together, but get this pallies, it is AFTER their breakup in 1956 and BEFORE their MDA reunion in 1976.  Likes as youse will see with your very own set of Dino-eyes that in the year of our Dino, 1961 both our Dino and Jerry were out coolly clubbin' at the Cocoanut Grove in Los Angeles, California, for the openin' show of Mr. Eddie Fisher.  Likes in doin' a wee bit of internet searchin' we discovered that the exact date was July 25, 1961.

We are sorry that this vid clip has no sound with it so we can only gratefully gaze on our Dino and Jerry together, if only briefly, but we ain't able to hear the patter exchanged between 'em to know likes how they greeted each other.  Mr. Lewis enters first and then 'bout :54 to 1:16 we  visibly view out most beloved Dino and Jerry sweetly smilin'  and potently patterin' like in the old days.  Likes if we didn't know better it appears like the old days when they were the greatest comedic partnership in all of creation.  It awesomely absolutely warms our Dino-hearts to see 'em back together 'gain, every ever so briefly!

Likes we always always always absolutely absolutely deeply deeply digs learnin' each and every new Dino-detail likes as we can, so we are totally totally thrilled to add the keen knowledge of these memorable moments on July 25, 1961.  Likes my oh my pallies, as we neatly noted that this moment in Dino-history was to the Dino-date 15 years after the exact date when our Dino and Jerry said I do to teamin' up on July 25, 1946!  Likes we believe there are really no complete coincidences in our Dino's coincidence that our Dino and Jerry briefly came back together on a summer evenin' in 1961, no coincidence that the date of that reunion was July 25.

We thank our Dino-diggin' pallie tagged "Donazify" over at youtube put this rare rare vibrant vid up at his pad there for all us Dino-philes to darin'ly  discover and really really really rejoice in.


Martin and Lewis reunite at the Cocoanut Grove '61

Martin and Lewis reunite at Eddie Fisher's opening at the Cocoanut Grove, 1961.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! Love your blog! I've noticed you referencing my blog Jerrylevitch (formerly Classickat) throughout the years, as well as my youtube channels Donazify and Givethechanceakid. Yes all of those are me. haha :) Thanks for the appreciation and love of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, and keep up the great work!

    - Kayley

  3. Hey pallie, likes Kayley, thanks for introducin' your-Dino-self to us here at our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole. We woulda never ever known that you went by any of those tags let 'lone all of 'em. From one Dino-holic to 'nother...keeps the Dino-light growin' Dino-bright...thanks so much Miss Kayley for your coolest of cool contributions to sweetly spreadin' the Dino-legacy.

  4. Very cool of Kayley to say hello & formally introduce herself. And most of all for helping to spread the Dino-word!

  5. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, way cool Dino-indeed!

  6. @Dino Martin Peters Aww you're welcome! Sometimes on my Givethechanceakid channel I do shows in person. I recently did one on my favorite M&L Colgate Comedy Hour episodes. :)

    @Danny G I recently contributed photos to the upcoming book Marketing Mayhem: Selling Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis to Post-War America by Rick Greene. It should be out next year! Hope you are able to check it out, it looks amazing!

  7. Hey pallie, likes Miss Kayley, we'll certainly have to check out some of your Dino and Jerry shows and the new book...sounds way Dino-cool! btw did you note that we greatly gratefully shared you "jerrylevitch" tumblr page on all the times that our Dino and Jerry met face to face prior to the '76 reunion....pure pure are simply the best!

  8. Sounds cool Kayley! Keep me posted on its release please.
