Tuesday, March 10, 2020

He knows I love Dean Martin.....

Dino (biography).jpg

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we are always always remarkably radiantly refreshed each and every time we discover 'nother pallie who profoundly proudly proclaims their awesome amore of our beautifully beloved Dino.  Today we are totally totally thrilled to share yet 'nother Dino-devoted lady's deepest of deep delight in our one and only Dino.  Her name is Miss Ronda Rich and she writes a weekly column for the "Forsyth County News," a thrice weekly rag for Forsyth County in Georgia.
We were lovin'ly led to her Dino-delight by our pallies at google Dino-'lerts.

In one of Miss Rich's weekly columns she shares that she and her significant other, Tink  "were visiting with friends in Virginia," when her host made inquiry of Ronda, "“Have you read this Dean Martin biography?”  It's then that Rich reveals to her readership that "I love Dean Martin."  Likes pallies, we can't help but believe that the Dino-tome that was swankly shared was non-other then Nick Tosches magnificant masterpiece, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams."

We are once 'gain marvelously moved to be able to pass this Dino-devotion on to all youse pallies and encouragin' each and every one of us that name the name of our Dino to openly and affirmatively proclaim our absolute awe of our Dino to those in our spear of influence.  We says our thank you very much to Miss Ronda Rich for sharin' her love of our main man and  you can check this out in it's original source by clickin' on the tag of of this Dino-report.  And, likes you can visit Miss Rich's personal pad at www.rondarich.com.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Ronda Rich

Updated: March 8, 2020, 1 a.m.

Recently, Tink and I were visiting with friends in Virginia when I asked if I could go upstairs to their library and borrow a couple of books.

Often, I borrow books from these friends as well as take them books of mine to read since we enjoy historical books, biographies and autobiographies.

Don followed me upstairs. “Take anything you want,” he said as he looked around and pulled out ones he thought I’d enjoy.

“Have you read this Dean Martin biography?” He knows I love Dean Martin so I took that one.


  1. I ''gree, pallie. Sounds like she's 'bout to indulge in the Tosches work of Dino-art!

  2. I definitely 'gree, pallie. Sounds like Ronda is 'bout to indulge in Tosches' work of Dino-art! Lucky lady!
